Vehicle Roadkill - Car Stuff

Roadkill as in shoddily repaired cars ala WASTELAND GOODNESS.

It’s an entire Youtube series. Who knew.

Junky Transmissions - Not all gears may work, limits top speed.
Zipties - A not all too reliable alternative for when you run out of duct tape.
Junky Electronics - Hit the brakes and the headlights go on. WHOOPS!
“Easy” to Fix Engine Failures - Car won’t start? Something’s busted or loose. Maybe you can jury rig the thing… temporarily.
Crappy/Faulty Brakes. Stopping may be a problem.

And on the flipside…
Custom Turbo - Know how a welder works? Got some metal pipes/tubes to work with? Are those… two turbochargers plucked out of diesel trucks? Oh SHIT is that thing gonna have some acceleration.
Plexiglass - Lightweight, fairly sturdy and pretty easy to get hold of. Beats riding around without a windshield… maybe.
Vehicle Part Reinforcements - You can reinforce just about anything you can pick up so why shouldn’t you be able to toughen up your vehicle too?
Improved Engine Cooling - Your hardware can handle higher temperatures. Higher safe speed!

Things like that.

sounds fun m8

The blower man the blower!
Seriously superchargers are a staple of post apocalypse films.
Details wise it’d bolt on to the engine and add power when your accelerating at the cost of useing more fuel.

Turbochargers are them selfs really hard to make, they spin really fast 200,000 rpm or more.
Details wise they should add power at the cost of fuel but unlike a supercharger they don’t use fuel at idle.

Cooling wise we need a heat system, in simple terms every engine makes heat, the amount being based on it size, type and current power output.

Now having too much heat leads to over heating and damage.

There are 2 main ways to lower the heat level, air and water cooling.
The first is air cooling, the heat is simply absorbed by passing air, this is how generators and beetles keep cool.

The amount of Air cooling is based on engine size, traveling speed and fan size

The second is water cooling, in which the heat is absorbed by water and radiated away.
The amount of water cooling is based on radiator size and traveling speed.