Direction indicator for vehicles
Some sort of indicator (eg. A line or a dot) for the direction of motion in vehicles. Toggleable on or off.
Would be helpful for two wheelers and very helpful for one frame vehicles.
Military vehicle rebalance
As it is Humvees and APCs are far too easy to find and give tons of end-game armour (there are supposed to be armoured trucks too but I haven’t found any).
Humvees/Armoured trucks
Change the military grade armour to steel plating or such to reflect them being homeland security/national guard vehicles rather than their more heavy combat variants.
Make the ones that spawn in the open be always very heavily damaged, make ones in good condition spawn in hard military buildings
Garage expansion
Give “rare and strange” vehicles a chance to spawn inside garages, I’m thinking of things like Unicycles, Buggies, etc.
Yeah, I found a military cargo truck a long while back (was it in 0.5? Not a clue.) Certainly very nice, never found one since though.
With that kind of rarity I don’t think you really need to nerf their armour.
Armoured cars, again they’re rare enough to not really require any nerfs imo.
Rare and strange stuff sounds fun, but should unicycles really be considered a vehicle requiring any kind of serious repair time in a garage? o0
Yeah, I found a military cargo truck a long while back (was it in 0.5? Not a clue.) Certainly very nice, never found one since though.
With that kind of rarity I don't think you really need to nerf their armour.
I find tons of Humvees and quite a few APCs just driving by around for a day or two.
Rare and strange stuff sounds fun, but should unicycles really be considered a vehicle requiring any kind of serious repair time in a garage? o0
Well I said Unicycles because they are already in the game but don't spawn anywhere (?)
Also would probably be a hobby project by the garage owner.
when you really think about the military presence pre cata though it kinda fits that there would be at least a few scattered around, i mean the national guard would be deployed rather quickly so it kinda stands to reason that humvees would be around if not more commen
I just don’t think military armour, which is an endgame item especially in large quantities (so from intact vehicles), should be so readily available.
So I think a distinction between a strong chassis (Normal military Humvees and trucks, etc.) and actual bulletproof legitimate light military armour that you may find on Bradleys and the like.
Then to make it harder to find have it only rarely spawn wrecked vehicles on roads (so you can only get 4 or 5 plates and the rest are grayed out) while the intact ones spawn in hard locations.
A cool location I would like to see added would be overrun checkpoints/field bases: tons of zombies (and I do mean tons, you would need them to overrun a base and the noise/smell of the last stand would have attracted more) and one or two heavy military vehicles: The APCs we have now, Combat modded Humvees, etc.
I also kinda think there might be a way to add tracked vehicles to the game.
[quote=“ChristopherWalken, post:1, topic:5028”]Direction indicator for vehicles
Some sort of indicator (eg. A line or a dot) for the direction of motion in vehicles. Toggleable on or off.[/quote]
[quote=“Sirbab, post:6, topic:5028”][quote=“ChristopherWalken, post:1, topic:5028”]Direction indicator for vehicles
Some sort of indicator (eg. A line or a dot) for the direction of motion in vehicles. Toggleable on or off.[/quote]
I have not played since 0.8 so maybe frequencies have become silly, but my character is in her second year and fifth town and I have yet to find any of these armored vehicles. Plus, it’s not like you’re playing against anyone? If you think something is too powerful you’re perfectly allowed to skip using it.
[quote=“ChristopherWalken, post:9, topic:5028”]In case you haven’t noticed we’re in a balancing phase.
But yeah, quite a lot of humvees and APCs spawn right now[/quote]
Meh. I’ve seen one humvee spawn. No APC yet, unless I debugged it in. Leave the mil-plating on 'em and just swap their rarity with the MilTruck. I’ve never seen one of those in-game either.
[quote=“Sirbab, post:6, topic:5028”][quote=“ChristopherWalken, post:1, topic:5028”]Direction indicator for vehicles
Some sort of indicator (eg. A line or a dot) for the direction of motion in vehicles. Toggleable on or off.[/quote]
Isn’t this already in the options menu?
Draw Vehicle facing Indicator.[/quote]
I checked, it isn’t there, nor is it in the options data file (ver. 0.9). Where is it?
It’s listed under Interface in options, it might not be in the stable build, i’m not sure. as far as i can tell it only works on ASCII. but i could be wrong.
Oh, that does kinda make sense. Well, I’m rolling with Tsu’s tiles, so I just have to drive slowly and use the headlights to orient myself. Not that bad.