Few bugs as titles suggests. Not sure if they are written about already but worth noting at least.
-Refugee center: Monsters enter the building and proceed to eat everyone. Nobody finds being eaten to be a problem and thus I can chill and gather every ones gear. Rather closed off and difficult to get inside I suppose, but really silly that NPCs do nothing and these are not just the “Guards”. Everyone inside just sits there and dies.
- side note, “Shelter” NPC seems ok to defend self, but I honestly have not come across normally spawning NPCs…which they are on to spawn. So not sure if that too is a bug or they just do not spawn as much as they use too?
-Refugee center Merchant bug: When doing a mission/quest, then you convince the merchant to provide you with any item. The item sell value seems to be forever stuck as a deficit with the merchant.
“hey man gimme free crap! Ok, here take this…but now you forever owe me the sell value to me for no reason…oh and you cannot buy stuff now.” Yeah this sucks because the only way to buy crap is to sell the merchant something over that value OR just happen to have a ton of cash on hand. This was REALLY annoying as my gal was given a very expensive item, which meant I could no longer buy stuff =(
You may get lucky and get junk at $4
-Refugee camp…once again =(
Is it normal to be able to sell random trash for high prices? rags are $4 each wtf? Mean while bullets are almost worthless lol I dunno…griping? mayhap, but is the economy still being worked on because this is a little silly.
-Lighting bug:
In complete darkness, I can magically see in a radius of something like 4-6 tiles. Not sure how your eyes work for you people but complete black without night/infra vision is just that. Complete black. If you enter a windowless room and no light source, you cannot see. This is also the same for such things as a basement.
Outside should have a small amount during a moonlit evening on a clear night. But that is not the case when enclosed without a light source.
Side note: are PK’s mods now a part of the main game? I looked into the mods section folder and noticed it is listed as “Obsolete”. I assume this folder of his mod is not needed or is it and default active without need to turn on?
EDIT- adding a few more bugs I found.
-Survivor basement = water puddles are now conveniently bottled lol go figure >_>
-Trade values are borked. I still have no idea why anti-biotics and first aid kits are dirt cheap. While a felt patch literally off the floor is $20…a friggin rag is like $4 each. 100 nails for $60??? 0_o
Anything being done to clean this up? Just curious. Ask people. I;m sure someone wouldn’t have a problem assigning better values.
-Heal rate. Does this still only happen while sleeping? I am truly confused why there was never a super slow “awake” heal system. I don’t take the time to write here for nothing. Please feel free to respond if you have the answer. I appreciate it.