Using Katana "is to simple to train your piercing weapons"

So yeah, just got that message “This task is too simple to train your piercing weapons beyond 7” but I was using a katana. Don’t really know if it’s a bug or not but seems weird enought to signal it.
I’m on build 6661.

[quote=“Fris0uman, post:1, topic:14095”]So yeah, just got that message “This task is too simple to train your piercing weapons beyond 7” but I was using a katana. Don’t really know if it’s a bug or not but seems weird enought to signal it.
I’m on build 6661.

Is it possible it might be due to the combat style you’re using. But yes I also though this message only applied to guns. And for some reason dodging.

I believe it depends on what youre attacking. Regular zombies are easy targets and can only train you so high before its basically like swinging at a wall. Try bigger things that dodge better.

nick0010 it’s not about not being able to raise above 7, it’s about it being a katana, a slashing weapon, complaining about piercing skill.

God damn it i cant read today at all.

Weapons that have multiple damage types can train both those skills. But since the katana is bashing and cutting… That doesn’t make much sense. Unless you have a katana with piercing somehow. Mutations that grant attacks don’t seem to increase weapon skills (that I’ve been able to determine from testing). I can’t replicate this bug in my testing, even using the style it doesn’t want to touch piercing.

I’ll try to post more detail about it if it happens again