Tips, Tricks and Newb Questions: Reborn!

You can throw up or down stairs! Stand on the stair tile, press X to peek, and select < or >, then do a normal blind throw while you’re peeking.
Just be wary, you have to pull the pin first and if the stairs are blocked by an enemy you’re gonna have a bad time. I had some trouble with a lit molotov and a rat cave once.


You sure? Unless it’s a Z level feature, something very new or something you needed to rebind I can’t.

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You have to have Z-levels enabled, then you can peek up or down stairs just like reguar peeking.
One drawback is if you peek downstatairs in a lab and it’s a finale or something downstairs, ALL the robots will see you and immediately come rushing up the stairs.

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That makes sense, I keep trying to play with Z Levels but I always end up getting annoyed by a horde dropping through the ceiling or something and end up turning it back off.


Aside from ceiling-dropping horde, does Z-level have other serious bugs? I saw it be on by default so I’m playing with it.

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I get bug messages from vehicles being moved on other Z levels then what I’m on.

If I’m in a city and I’ve got the spawn rate ramped up this can get particularly frequent and annoying.

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Ah yes I remembered that when I walked in the subway I got message of surface action.

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What dog do if i tame it?

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They follow you and sometimes attack zombies. You can put a kevlar dog harness on the dog.

edit: different dogs have different stats.
Pit bull and labrador are actually very good combatant if you don’t let them get overwhelmed. While there’s also chihuahua which can “YAP” but can’t kill zombies.


Wow…thats nice. Btw how long it takes for chicken to grow?? I found 5 chicks on farm and planning to breed them for meats and eggs and how to breed it?? Thanks

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I haven’t played that long since animal husbandry was added. I’d guess at least one season maybe.

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German Shepherds and Rottweilers are the best combat/guard dogs in the game.


try playing with ‘align stairways’ enabled. I’ve been talking with people on discord who’ve noticed that if the stairs don’t line up and there’s zombies swarming the entrance to the basement, they will appear below in the spot where the stairs would be if they were aligned.

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I’ll give it a try I guess but it doesn’t seem likely at least in my most recent example, I was two levels down, a basement then the top level of a lab. The zombies on the lab floor were split between a closed off room with a turret in it and the room with the stairway down (they weren’t close), the basement was full of zombies when I went back up(understandable I guess).

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I play with z levels enabled and have never experienced the horde falling thru the ceiling bug, there may be merit to the aligned stair case option, since i play with that too.

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is by the ceiling exactly?, once i think i had them enabled, went to an apartament tower, it was kind of deserted from usually and when i went back to ground level, at full horde of almost nearly dead zombies caught me by surprise, never again played again with z-levels on

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Has NPC training been reworked recently? I asked a friendly NPC to train me but only improved the skill by 3%. I get that NPC training was kind of broken before but it looks near useless in the current state (Build 9543).

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So…i have 3 mature chicken and 2 chick…i put it on chicken coop. my question is, did my chick is going to be grow and did the mature one lay an egg?? Is that mistaken i tame a chicken? Because i tame it all so it can be controlled lol

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Sorry my english are bad lol…i mean how long chicken grow and did chicken produce an egg?

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