Tips, Tricks and Newb Questions: Reborn!

While on the topic of HS armor, why did the heavy helmet get removed? Or at least, I cannot craft it anymore. For now, I’m using a Light Survivor Helmet, which somehow requires +1 tailoring than heavy versions.

I don’t think I’ve got even a Light Survivor Helmet in my list…

Another question: How do you move heavy stuff? I can drag things on the ground, but I can’t load anything into vehicles unless my character can overload himself by carrying the item (such as a heavy frame), in which case the item can be dropped into a suitable vehicle frame, reverse to remove it, and then drag again.
Also, in the same vein, is there a practical way to move things too heavy to carry through forests (I tried building a horse drawn travois, in the same vein as horses were used to move logs out of the forest before machinery were used, but that was a complete failure. Not only did the horse refuse to move [I guess wheels were required], but when pulling the blasted thing manually it wouldn’t go over a shrub, when it didn’t result in a failure traceback because of collisions with the companion [bug reported])?

KiBoy, the argument for removing survivor helmets was “Adding bits of leather and metal to a helmet isn’t going to get you anything better than a standard combat helmet and a hood. You can’t resize a kevlar helmet. There’s not really any reason for these to exist.”

PALU, use advanced inventory manager to move heavy stuff into vehicles without overloading yourself.
I can’t think of a practical way to move heavy stuff through forests. Dragging will probably work but will also take a ton of time. I haven’t bothered making custom horse pulled vehicles, but I think your assumption about wheels is correct since IIRC, horses are treated as engines, not like the player when he drags vehicles.

As I recall they decided that it wouldn’t be more effective than the combat helmet required to craft it or somesuch. I’m not sure what the best helmet is now though.

Thanks Junknown. The advanced inventory management sounds like it should work.

Thanks for the info. I did stumble upon something interesting. It’s probably from a mod I’m using, but still.


I want it.

I found something even better in the CRIT expansion, the Dragon Slayer, a BFS to a ridiculous degree, it weighs 110 pounds and has 978 moves by default, however the techniques it has are amazing, for a sword like it, with the best technique, bisection, only triggering on a crit, taking 35% moves and dealing 105% bash/stab and 125% cut with dex and perception decreasing moves used and increasing damage done, and the “normal” technique, BERSERK, is 50% moves 77% damage down enemy for 2 turns, and strength massively increases damage and decreases moves per attack.Even the weakest and fastest technique does a lot of damage,15% move cost and 35% damage, while that seems like a small amount of damage, you need to realize that is is 35% of 95 bash and 80 cut, and it hits in a wide arc, and is massively buffed by high strength. the sword also is a very good shield, can counterattack without any styles, and can feint if you miss to allow you to recover easier.

to even use the weapon practically require either hydraulic muscles or insanely strong +7, muscle augmentation+2, a high base strength, and enchanted items from magiclysm to buff strength which with them all gets +12 and if you added all those passives and hydraulic muscles you would get +41 strength as well as whatever your base strength stat is, but even with all of that the sword is impractical without adrenaline or an equivalent (rx11), but with adrenaline or rx11 the sword can easily decimate hordes if you are strong enough

Another Heavy Stuff question:
I’ve finally managed to remove a storage battery from its storage battery case. However, I can’t repair it (there are threads indicating that’s intended), but I can’t disassemble it either without carrying it (being knocked to the floor, etc.). I assume there is a way to actually interact with large things, but I can’t find it. I hauled the battery to a workbench in a vehicle, but can’t do anything with it anyway (or, at least, I can’t find how to do it).

for heavy items you usually can also dissemble them the same way you would butcher a corpse (stand over it and press B) and it will tell you what tools you are missing if you are missing any.

Ah, thanks games_and_glory!

Unless they changed it batteries of any size cannot be repaired.

The best you can do is deconstruct it for parts, then build a new battery with those parts. You will need the recipe books and enough materiel, say from multiple damaged storage batteries. You can merge smaller batteries into one size up ones, which is great for regular batteries as well, but it works on storage to.

Yes, trying to deconstruct it resulted in a message that I might learn the recipe, deconstructing it resulted in the message that I probably would learn the recipe if I deconstructed another one. I backed off when I realized I couldn’t deconstruct the (subset of) small storage batteries within, and thus couldn’t learn their recipe that way. I ended up putting the battery to the side to at least await another one, at which time my Electronics skill might have improved to allow me to recover more parts.

I’ve made a large capacity large battery from recipes I do have, but the game thew me a curl ball by taking the batteries it was made of (or, possibly, the medium large capacity ones I needed to construct first) from the soldering iron used to build it, resulting in a message that I didn’t have any power for the iron…

I think you are supposed to disassemble damaged storage batteries and make pristine ones from the parts you salvage.

I believe so too, but given that I don’t get all the parts when disassembling and I don’t have a second one I’m willing to sacrifice, there’s no point in taking it apart until I get a second one so I’ll actually get enough parts to make a new one (in addition, hopefully, together with the recipe for it). At that time I might also get more parts out of the the process than I do at my current skill level.

Anyone know of good places to look for power armor? I’m specifically trying to look for light power armor since I can dodge everything except bullets on my current character. I’d like something other than tank tops & shorts to protect my character on dangerous missions.

power armor is often found in the locked metal vault at the bottom layer of the facility under a 3x3 military base that is controlled by bandits

Huh. I’ve usually done jackhammer raids on military bunkers. Good to know that they are there. I’ll see if I have any military bandit camps and i’ll raid them and see what if I find what i’m looking for.

Some additional questions:

  1. How do you clear the way for your vehicles? I find that there are broken down cars all over the place, including crash wrecks, and some of it has to be removed to get through, in particular since the car morphing when turning causes the car to smash into obstacles that weren’t near the car before turning (apparently cars swivel around the center, rather than being steered by the guiding wheels).
  2. Is there any use for most of the junk found in kitchens? I thought you would be able to melt down plastic items into plastic chunks, and likewise make use of metal objects (cutlery can be turned into scrap), and, possibly, even use some kitchen tools as support for cooking (making it faster), but that does not seem to be the case. Most just seems to be junk, or, at best, bottom tier weapons.
  3. Why do people even think of nailing empty crates shut? I can see no reason for it, but yet most crates I’ve found are empty, and that’s really a suspension of disbelief buster for me (finding junk inside is disappointing, but perfectly fine, especially if there’s some logic to it, like 50 bottle openers or some other kind of appearance of organization).

4. I’ve lit a number of forest fires to eventually burn a path through the forest to allow me to pass through with a vehicle. However, my moronic companion seems to be mesmerized by the fires and just walks around them rather than following my character. It’s not a case of the path being blocked by fire, as the moron walks around to the other side of the fire even when I walk up to the trees, light them up, and then walk straight back. I’ve failed to find any command to tell the moron to come to me rather than doing whatever stupidity he’s obsessed with (smashing zombies or attacking enemies I’m trying to retreat from are other examples, although the latter could be blocked by ordering not to advance). Is there a way to get the bugger to actually follow?

  1. It is usually possible, although often highly inconvenient to drive around most wreckage. If you must destroy it, explosives, sledgehammers and ramming with disposable vehicles are the way to go.

  2. Kitchens are full of useless clutter. There are a handful of actually useful things there (duct tape comes to mind) and everything else is mostly junk that exists purely for flavor.

  3. That is something I would also like to know.

  4. You should be able to tell your companion to “stick close to me” or something like that and he will try to stay within a few tiles of you. It may fix your problem or it may not since NPC’s sometimes panic around fire. The other option is to leave him behind at your base on guard duty while you torch the forest yourself.