The Game gives error I can't play

I’m newly formatted the pc and downloaded game whenever I start the game this error pops up anyone can understand it ? How we fix it?..

Thanks for your time (sorry for bad english)

We need more information in order to help you.

What version of the game are you trying to run? are you using the cdda launcher? did you run the game from the launcher? have you updated (using the internet) the system after the new install?

install-unzip only cdda reguested Runtime - Microsoft Visual C++ 2005-2008-2010-2012-2013-2015
install-unzip not only cdda and other game - directx, Visual C++, .NET Framework 3.5, 4.0, 4.6, XNA Framework 3.1, 4.0, some other redist, see redist folder in game installer

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I downloaded latest experimental version of game I need to look it. I dont installed anyting to pc just formatted and downloaded game. I didnt started game from launcher.

Allright I give it a try.

Thank you its worked