The Cataclysm Diaries: ability to write a journal in-game

I have run this simulation billions of times; no possible sequence of events leads to the implementation of logbooks into the game.


Hmm I dont remember the origin of the spontaneously emerging bust of Plato, Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy perhaps?
something related to the infinite monkey theorem for sure.


Continue, Gta dear. Continue. No, really, i want this to be added. It would be really fun. People is taking the sight too much to realism and forgetting funnism.

So is anyone actually working on this idea?

Do we need to create more details about the journal item?

Any help needed on flavor statistics or functions?


Dear God, what’s happened here? Has all civil discourse in this thread degenerated to the level of primitive savages?

Everyone get down on the floor this is a robbery! Now, we’re all going to be good John Q. Public types, and hand over yer wallets and decent suggestions about the journal idea.

Number 1: Automatically generated writing in the journal, sort of like how the computer compiles a count of kills.

Number 2:… I ain’t got nothing else. Why do you think I’m robbing you people? Because, I’m out of creativity, and I need yours.

I don’t have any, I used it all to build this cat-bone anvil.

So I was looking at the code last night, particularly the code involved in carving messages on items and putting text in the memorial. Here’s what I’m thinking:

What if we create items that have a property “LOG_BOOK”. When a LOG_BOOK is 'a’pplied (and hasn’t been written in), it brings up a paragraph editor (instead of the 64-character carving editor) that lets you write up to say 15 lines of text. Logbooks should be easy to craft (maybe 5 sheets of paper and charcoal OR blood OR whatever). When you write to the logbook, it creates an item_note (just like other objects written on), but it also adds multi-line snippet in your memorial log.

[code]Day 4, Year 6: IsharaComix writes…

It was a dark and stormy night - except at occasional
intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of
wind which swept up the streets.

Day 5, Year 6: IsharaComix was eaten by a grue.[/code]

That way we get the best of both worlds… your log is stored away in your memorial, but also scattered about the world for other survivors to find. I was thinking it would be good enough if we just spammed the memorial log with everything that you carve/spraypaint, but that creates lots of half-tweet-length log entries, and doesn’t give you a chance to go back and revise the entire paragraph. Thoughts?

I wouldn’t mind if it was using notepad I just want to be able to pick up the logbook from a pile and have it open an in-game GUI where I can read the shit.

I was more thinking about decoupling the notepads from game saves. As coupling the notes to the memorial file just makes them accessible to the current character. While I would like it to be able find old note files from other players.

Being able to leave notes on your memorial file is a different (but worthwhile) addition imho.

Yeah, re-finding books from past survivors.
I would love it if just before you died you could write something in the book.

Doubt that will happen :d

Well, you could, but it would be an estimate. Like if you had a bite, but couldn’t cure it.

Would be cool if the already existing ‘last words’ were smeared with blood on the last page if you had your journal with you in the moment of death.

That’s a great idea too.

Now we only need a coder to make it all happen!

That’s a great idea too.

Now we only need a coder to make it all happen![/quote]

I’ll be looking into this on this evening.

There’s a bunch of stuff that goes into it, but I might just be able to swing something.



That’s a great idea too.

Now we only need a coder to make it all happen![/quote]

I’ll be looking into this on this evening.

There’s a bunch of stuff that goes into it, but I might just be able to swing something.[/quote]

I love you, wito!

That’s a great idea too.

Now we only need a coder to make it all happen![/quote]

I’ll be looking into this on this evening.

There’s a bunch of stuff that goes into it, but I might just be able to swing something.[/quote]

Unfortunately, engine limitations keeps me from effectively implementing this at this juncture. :frowning:

That’s a great idea too.

Now we only need a coder to make it all happen![/quote]

I’ll be looking into this on this evening.

There’s a bunch of stuff that goes into it, but I might just be able to swing something.[/quote]

Unfortunately, engine limitations keeps me from effectively implementing this at this juncture. :([/quote]