The Blob Overmind: Malicious, or just too big/different to notice or care?

I have no interest in building that game. The early ramp-up part where small communities are getting together, sure. But time skipping and multi-generational stuff is way outside what dda is going to do.

In my headcannon, humanity WAS that anthill. That anthill was on a bit of turf where there’s currently a battle. Triffid faction has a bunch of wardogs running around, Mycus has got bioengineered infantry on the field. Both of them are tearing up the ground around the anthill.

Blob is just really trimming it’s toenails somewhere nearby the battlefield and the trimmings are what humanity is scrambling around while trying to find a new safe hole to hide in.

More or less agree with kuros here, humanity was an anthill. Blob/mycus/triffid have a multidimensional war going on, we happened to shove new land in between them all and they had a tiny skirmish and the blob accidentally wiped out practically all of humanity. Myucs/triffid just showed up and tried to grab some of the empty space. Meanwhile humanity is franticly trying to not die and find a way to start a new anthill that won’t get instantly destroyed.

Blob just naturally expanded into open space and squished some ants. Mycus saw unclaimed land and tossed some mindless terraformers through the portal. A few triffid hearts decided to get away into some fresh space and set up their own groves. None of them are really trying to kill everything, and most don’t even realize there is anything to kill.

The Mycus know we exist and they want to use us for either soldiers in their ranks or biomass for consumption. Everything else though would kill us if we got near but otherwise doesn’t care.