The Battalion of Not Particularly Clever allies

Also known as NPCs

Anywho, I have decided to create a character that is COMPLETELY fucking worthless at everything except Speech, Survival, and Cooking. This is to the end of having a legion of NPCs following me around and protecting me whilst i dick around. Static and Random NPCs are on.

Any suggestions as what to do with this army?
Short of a massive post-apocalyptic orgy.
I can’t do that until Viagra is added to the game.

Why would you need Viagara? The key to prolonged orgies is to pace yourselves–brain is the primary erogenous zone and all that.

Anyways, do you have any suggestions as to what do with the horde?

Clump them together and then run them over with a semi.

Equip them with copious amounts of artifacts for maximum !!FUN!!, if you can get them to pick them up. Or bring them to a science lab, also for !!FUN!!.

go find a mine, get massed, then charge the dangerous dark ahead. +1 if you tape it somehow.

Ok, so far i have convinced 3 random people to join me in my quest of stupidity. We also found a working electric car with solar panels. I, of course, am going to name it something. Any suggestions? Im thinking “The Whirling Derpface”

…nevermind. I already managed to destroy it less than a few seconds. Suggestions are still open though.

“Friend Shield Goes Here”

Goddamn it guys. Loneliness drove me to Otaku-ness…

yur gonna need a bigger boat. also try not to drive near bad things because characters have beaten me because there was a zombie on my side of the car. idk if that has been fixed, but if you want your skull in one piece i recommend a car with the driver seat far from the passenger ones.

I want a let’s play of this if the shenanigans take a turn for the hilarious.

Take on a swamp. The last NPC standing wins the honor of being your champion in battle.

Alternatively, take on a fungal spire after convincing your horde to wade through the remains of a molotov.

Turn dynamic spawn on for zombies to represent never ending armies of evil.
Arm your peasants with tools and medieval weapons.
Name your car the highlander and generate a new character called Braveheart to lead your armies.

And don’t forget , there can be only one.

Oh god, this has convinced me to play cataclysm again tomorrow<3<3<3

Been wanting to find a school bus and do this for a while. BTW, NPCs are happy to sit on a box or a trunk it it allow them to get closer to you (They’ll sit on the box in a flatbed truck for instance). This mean that they tend to fly through the windshield as soon as your use the handbrake.

Yes, I know you’re tinking of an NPC Shotgun too.

[quote=“Sheb, post:14, topic:2669”]Been wanting to find a school bus and do this for a while. BTW, NPCs are happy to sit on a box or a trunk it it allow them to get closer to you (They’ll sit on the box in a flatbed truck for instance). This mean that they tend to fly through the windshield as soon as your use the handbrake.

Yes, I know you’re tinking of an NPC Shotgun too.[/quote]
I call shotgun!

Use a customised motorbike for yourself and your companions, and just keep making it longer and longer by adding more seats as you acquire more allies, while leaving it just 1 square wide.

I second the idea. We must have NPC’s able to drive cars , just imagine the possibilities - Biker gang with everyone having their own personal unique leather vest and pants , Bycycle gang with schizophrenic shower victims , Segaway gang where everyone has a katana and blades strapped to their segaway wheels.

[quote=“detahramet, post:1, topic:2669”]Also known as NPCs

Anywho, I have decided to create a character that is COMPLETELY fucking worthless at everything except Speech, Survival, and Cooking. This is to the end of having a legion of NPCs following me around and protecting me whilst i dick around. Static and Random NPCs are on.

Any suggestions as what to do with this army?
Short of a massive post-apocalyptic orgy.
I can’t do that until Viagra is added to the game.[/quote]

Nah, sounds fun. I can even see such characters as useful once NPC settlements and such are fleshed out a bit more, e.g settlement cook.

Idea: Mutated NPCs. Small mutations pass unnoticed, heavy mutations? Outcasts to some factions. Maybe a faction or a few settlements for the mutated guys that have run from the other factions.

Mmm… tentacle grape.

Also: Lifecycle of a speech/survival/cooking NPC:

Before the cataclysm, he foraged for veggies made soup, but he had to run a soup kitchen for hobos because of no worthwhile barter skills.
Stuck in a deadend job with no money, he adds secret spices (equal measure spit and whiskey) to the soup to extend the period of cold turkey recovering alcoholic hobos suffer from. Eventually, not merely content with escalating the suffering of those in need, he quit, pouring the soup down the drain in a fit of pique. This curious mixture then entered the sewage system, and eventually found its way to a sewage treatment plant where it was genetically altered by the horrific amount of carcinogens and generally crap humans pour down the drain.
Thus, he is the cause, the origin of this… Cataclysm.

He is the final boss. All the suffering in the world shall be his doing.

In all seriousness, one of the most badass things that could ever happen in a zombie apocalypse would be to see a 10 person bicycle filled to capacity with all members pedaling as fast as they can through a zombie infested town.

Because there i suck at this game, i should probably point out that i am playing classic zombies + zombie revive + static spawn. Just specifying.

On the upside, i found a new car. In a new world. After my first guy died.
Any more name suggestions?
So far the potential names for the new car?
So far we have:
The Whirling Derpface
Apply Friendshield Here