Surviving with Hordes

bridges and mines are the best place to get a new car lategame

and now cemeteries

each horde - you can try to split.

or dance’n’slash - tactics from AD&D. you also need copper spear for this tactics.

or you need shopping cart. and spear and narrow pass. and you can do “Phermopile pass”.
. @ # Z .
(W - wall)
you - shopping cart - zombies… and no differ now many zeds. absolutelly.

zombie climb on your shopping cart use their Time_Units which he is use for counter-attack you (when you attack them) - and you “Fire” them from you copper spear… you attack them “for free” and - kill them.

This is fixed already

–Since I don’t feel like reading all 43 messages in this at this very moment what I say will possibly already have been said, but here I go:
–For me, just don’t use guns. You’ll never worry about noise attracting zombie if you don’t make lots of noise. :grin:
–Typically, I don’t run into too much trouble clearing out the nearby zomble hordes. As long as NRG doesn’t feel like giving me a super deadly enemy like a brute early on.:angry:
–If you choose to use a vehicle try something silent, at least until you know you can survive the inevitable hordes drawn near by you loud engine. That said, you might be fast enough to just zoom past them anyway. But even just a simple bike can be useful early on. (Just don’t make it too heavy, learned that the hard way… it ended up being painful when I couldn’t run away… :sob:)
–An electric vehicle might also work, but can be a pain with recharging. Ideally you will want a massive battery and wait for your vehicle to be well recharged before leaving.

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