Surviving the sheltered start

What tricks do you use to survive the sheltered start? It’s useful to get 3 extra chargen points as well as a load of free skills but I can never last more than a day. Last time I got an M4 and 80 .223 rounds but the cold made movement so slow I died to a few zombies. The starting skill in tailoring would be extremely useful to prevent that but there isn’t anything to cut up for rags in the LMOE shelter. How do you survive the first few days?

If you select “survivor” profession (almost all scenarios allow you to select it),you will start without skills,but you will have another bonus 4 points and winter coat (which is really important thing).

you need to open those crates, sometimes there are some items that can help you out. I don’t remember if there are any beds, but you can disassemble/smash them for a lot of rags. You can just start in a shelter, if you like, there you have more clothing options, but less guns and no stove/guaranteed infinite water.

+1 on smashing up beds for rags.

Starting as a survivor is useful. Between 4 extra points in per and dex, the starting clothing and an M1911 I’m doing alright. A good armory in the LMOE shelter makes a huge difference. Praise be to the RNG gods for their taste in handguns.

@Dlightfull I’ve found that the crates very rarely have anything useful in them, if anything at all. Thanks for the info on smashing beds for rags.

What you do is look at what gear your wearing and how much it covers and warmth it gives.

If your well over fine in torso, cutup the shirt, to make something to cover the mouth, and hand/foot wraps etc.

A long scarf is awesome to make because if you only grab a weapon.

You shouldn’t freeze in the shelter, not with crates and things to burn. It’s very easy to make a hammer/crowbar and other tools in the shelter.

If you absolutely ‘need’ gear make some ventures out to find a zombie or 2 running around, kill it, take the clothes off it to either wear or cutup. I usually have a spiked pits waiting to assist in killing critters/zombies.

Having wander spawns on generates hordes which creep up to your shelter and drop useful stuff when killed.

[quote=“SteelBlueWolf, post:5, topic:9959”]Starting as a survivor is useful. Between 4 extra points in per and dex, the starting clothing and an M1911 I’m doing alright. A good armory in the LMOE shelter makes a huge difference. Praise be to the RNG gods for their taste in handguns.

@Dlightfull I’ve found that the crates very rarely have anything useful in them, if anything at all. Thanks for the info on smashing beds for rags.[/quote]

crates have, at least, very useful two by fours (which you can also cut into skewers) and splintered wood and nails, which you can use to craft various useful things.

Rags and wooden needle ftw. I usually don’t “grind” my tailoring up if I can help it as it feels like cheating but yeah. 1 level of survival and a knife and a rock you can craft enough stuff to keep you going until you can find a mansion or city.