I understand the UPS system is being removed / changed / something, and the ‘as is’ situation in experimental for Electric Jackhammer is pretty silly.
A UPS or Advanced UPS can have 2500 charges, the Electric Jackhammer can have max 7000 and requires 3500 for its standard use. That means if you want to use the UPS feature in the field you have to carry two UPS with you to get one extra use of the jackhammer!
Instead I suggest that the jackhammer could take Medium Storage Battery (also 7000) or Storage Battery (for longer lasting mining). I’ve put the following in my game in
and am trying it out.
"id": "elec_jackhammer",
"type": "TOOL",
"name": "electric jackhammer",
"description": "This is a construction tool for drilling through hard rock or other surfaces. Load with a storage battery to use. Use it to blast a hole in adjacent solid terrain.",
"weight": "40000 g",
"volume": "5 L",
"price": 40000,
"to_hit": -8,
"bashing": 14,
"cutting": 6,
"material": "steel",
"symbol": ";",
"color": "light_gray",
"ammo": "battery",
"charges_per_use": 3500,
"use_action": "JACKHAMMER",
"flags": [ "STAB", "DIG_TOOL", "POWERED"],
"magazines": [
[ "medium_storage_battery", "storage_battery" ]
"magazine_well": 0
P.S. Yes I know I could/should make a pull request but I used up all my brain cells getting this far.
P.P.S. I have no idea what ‘magazine_well’ does.