Static Spawns with Wander Spawns

About a month back on reddit someone asked about mixing Wander Spawns with Static. [Post in question] CIB replied that turning wander on with static will merge zombies into hordes but they won’t actually spawn anymore zombies. I’m wondering if this is still true, or if having wander spawns on will spawn fresh zombies. I’m also wondering how much noise a burning building makes. I set part of a Super Home Depot on fire and then watched a constant stream of zombies wade towards it for half an hour in-game time. This was especially odd to me because there are no cities anywhere close by and I just don’t see where these zombies (easily over 200) could have come from unless they were spawning in.

I use wandering hordes and static generation.

They respond to noise. Alot.

And that’s what sucks the most about all of this. One time I had a bear trigger a bunch of mines next to the EVAC shelter causing the area to be overrun in about 40 in-game minutes. This other time I spawned next to a Mega Home Improvement Store/Mall and a bunch of zombies managed to destroy an overmap tile of it, attracting an enormous horde, coming from all sides, which closed in on me and forced me to retreat far into the woods, indirectly causing my death (by a pack of wolves). This can happen with cars, regular houses, inside basements etc.

Hey, if you’re used to making noise, don’t play with hordes on. Trust me.