So many new changes!

Hi there, I’m new to this forum and this version of Cataclysm in general. I’ve been playing since the beginning of the Bay12 thread, but I stopped right around the middle of the life of the whalesdev forums. I decided to start playing again after 0.6 to see what all is new, and I was not prepared to find all of the changes I did. I tried checking changelogs and the wiki to try and find out what all was tweaked, added, and modified, but so far I’ve had little luck, and the changes I have found came from rolling a few characters.

Anyways, to get to the point, I’m just wondering if anybody could help point out changes to the game since Cataclysm became Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, or possibly provide me with good resources that I can read up on myself. I feel very uncomfortable coming back to a game I used to know very well that has changed so much and would just like some help understanding how it’s evolved better.

I’m jc6036 on Bay12 and Whalesdev, by the way.

Wiki help but you should at last go check 7.1 instead of 0.6. I can help with question like many but didn’t i didn’t played before 0.6 so it look like it’s pointless to say more.

Let’s enjoy the process of the new change :smiley:

Alrighty, I’ve updated to 0.7 and read the changelog. Also I’m really enjoying the change and improvements that have been made to Cataclysm, I just want to get more familiar with everything that has changed quickly.

EDIT: I should mention that going through the wiki hasn’t helped out as much as I thought it would.

Well atm if you want to discover a bit just don’t forget that archery is OP
take down 2 tree with an axe, make whatever you can with archeskill with the board, you will end with more than lvl10 archery, so you can after without problem pick the last bow, good arrow (not metal yet, you need mecha before …) and almost headshot everything if it come close after train firearm a bit (it level up with bow, yes)
Martial art sound new for you i think, pick krav manga (at creation of caractere) with massive stats strength (no care about dex) and even if early game it’s a bit hard (well not really if you don’t put ecumbrance torso), you can quickly doing over±60dmg/hit and a hit can be done every 25 (base move is 100, base attack with unarmed is 65, -2 encumbrance torse give -40 per attack). I don 't even talk about counter attack, block with arm/leg (so no dmg torso/head) and stun.

With both this you can go trougth everything in the game quickly even if you act stupidly.

Try get into the building maybe : Lab, Prison, FEMA camp … and, dunno if it’s the same as before but, avoid area with massive number of insect without a closed car, because if you don’t, you will end quickly with massive pain because of the speed of the mob.

Trying to help, ask if you want to know something more precise.

That does help out a bit, thanks.

I suggest you just go out there and discover stuff. If you already have the essentials of survival down then you can just enjoy the mystery and wonder of the unknown.

It’s a whole new game. Whales was bored and had to drop it. So the guys here picked it up and made it to their liking, and for the people here that frequently play it.
I’d like to post an entire changlelog here, but I doubt the mods would approve. :smiley:

Did anyone figure out how to stash a knife inside your boot? It was in the changelog but I didn’t figure how to do it. I tried with steel toed boots and the pocket knife but that didn’t work. So… only normal boots?

With the normal boot, (a)pply the boot, select the option to put a knife in it, and select the knife. I haven’t come across a steeltoed boot yet to test if it works with that.

Thanks all. I’m still looking for input but I’ll definitely be playing and discovering.

it is the same game, but with new features. At a high level, here are some major differences

– default is ‘static’ spawns. so there are lots of zombies around from the start. you dont get a 4 hour window to get stuff in town
– its alot more dangerous to go into town for a quick raid now. there are alot of zombies.
– you can go to ‘options’ to go back to the old method. you can also make the screen bigger and other stuff
– there are more crafting items, so you can craft all the stuff you need to survive by staying in the woods. so there is no need to go in early
– when you boil water, it now says ‘clean’. before you had to keep track of it yourself
– more crafting options, but similiar to before. just more stuff to craft and construct
– alot more cars
– archery is still loaded. there are now more selections
– noise is not as important, since zombies don’t spawn from noise (this will probably change in the future)
– focus is similiar to morale and XP pool. just a twist.

thats about it. Rest are just new features, but they all revolve around the same theme.

Fair warning if you see a guy spaming about something called cataclysm MGS thats our resident troll and he lies about his stuff >.<

Hey it works the same way with steeltoed! Thanks!

There have been substantial changes to the game just in the past few DDA versions, and unfortunately the wiki has not kept pace.

There are a couple of threads dedicated to updating the wiki and they are always seeking volunteers, so if you are interested in helping out there I am sure it would be appreciated.

There have been substantial changes to the game just in the past few DDA versions, and unfortunately the wiki has not kept pace.

There are a couple of threads dedicated to updating the wiki and they are always seeking volunteers, so if you are interested in helping out there I am sure it would be appreciated.[/quote][quote=“youtoo, post:12, topic:2335”]it is the same game, but with new features. At a high level, here are some major differences

– default is ‘static’ spawns. so there are lots of zombies around from the start. you dont get a 4 hour window to get stuff in town
– its alot more dangerous to go into town for a quick raid now. there are alot of zombies.
– you can go to ‘options’ to go back to the old method. you can also make the screen bigger and other stuff
– there are more crafting items, so you can craft all the stuff you need to survive by staying in the woods. so there is no need to go in early
– when you boil water, it now says ‘clean’. before you had to keep track of it yourself
– more crafting options, but similiar to before. just more stuff to craft and construct
– alot more cars
– archery is still loaded. there are now more selections
– noise is not as important, since zombies don’t spawn from noise (this will probably change in the future)
– focus is similiar to morale and XP pool. just a twist.

thats about it. Rest are just new features, but they all revolve around the same theme.[/quote]

Many thanks. Although by now I figured most of that out on my own, I really appreciate it. And I may consider working on the wiki. It seems seriously underdone for such a large and complex game.

There is a post about the wiki. If you find something that seens wrong or incomplete, post somewhere, i could try check it (or somebody else, well, who care)

Also, you can build houses without having to have 10,000 nails.

But it is also easy to get 10,000 nails if you burn down a few houses in town or whatever.