Schizophrenia suggestion

I’ve been playing a Schizophrenic character for a while now and experienced all kinds of bizarre stuff while out on my roadtrip across the New England wasteland.

I’ve seen strange messages in my text log.
I’ve randomly fell asleep and passed out in the middle of a Hardware Store.
I’ve experienced Bad Feelings and Nausea which made me loose my lunch.
Shakes and Itches.

And of course Hallucinations.

But one thing occurred to me. I only see entities wandering around or attempting to attack me.

But whatabout items?

I think it would be a cool addition to the Hallucination effect that you have a random chance of seeing different items appear within your field of view. Whether they be common and mundane items, or things just “too good to be true”. And when picked up just fizzle to nothing in your hand or vanish when you get closer, something to that effect.
This could be influenced by status effects on your character, for instance; IF in Pain, meds are more likely to appear in hallucinations. IF Hungry/Thirsty food items are more likely to appear in hallucinations.
I have no idea how feasible something like this would be to code, but I reckon it might be similar but would require a much larger entity table since items are far more numerous than creatures.

I’d also make a suggestion to tweak the Hallucinations slightly; The countless appearances of high level and unlikely creatures can sometimes be laughable, I’d like to see more common entities such as just regular Zombies or their variants being shown to keep me on edge over what’s real and what’s not.
I’d also like the “Hallucinating” tooltip upon the ‘listed effects’ on the character sheet to be absent, as it becomes way too obvious when to trust my gut about when these periods start and when they end. I’d rather rely on the more subtle message on the text log of “I feel a little strange…” than a blatant message telling me what’s going on.

I know it’s pretty hairbrained stuff, but i’m loving this character i’ve got right now as it’s keeping situations fresh and unpredictable. But there is room for improvement and i’d very much like to see this trait broadened and expanded.

Cheers for taking the time to read, and happy surviving.

thatd be hardcore, to hallucinate items or terrain. Well, you do hallucinate terrain if you use ascii; the noise often matches the most prominent terrain around you.

Youd see blue waves if there was an ocean outside, even if you couldnt see it

[quote=“pisskop, post:2, topic:12124”]thatd be hardcore, to hallucinate items or terrain. Well, you do hallucinate terrain if you use ascii; the noise often matches the most prominent terrain around you.

Youd see blue waves if there was an ocean outside, even if you couldnt see it[/quote]

I didn’t think of terrain effects… That might be interesting.

I cant tell you how many characters I roll with who have Night Vision. And whenever i’m walking through the fields at night, I’m praying I dont walk into a minefield…

If mines could be added as a visual marker in the characters view window that would also be interesting and scary as hell.

Again, but only if the player was unaware that the Hallucinations were actually happening.

Wait, in graphical mode the whole “screen messes up” thing isn’t there? That’s a shame, I really like that feature.