RM99 revolver

I walked around the corner of a building and straight into a turret. I hadn’t realized turrets now appear in cities. Anyway, it basically stripped me naked, broke my arm, sent my pain to 450, and reduced my torso to a half-bar. I tried to switch to my RM99 revolver, and it said I couldn’t use a two-handed weapon with a broken arm. I had noticed before that I couldn’t holster my RM99 either, getting the “too big” message. It sounds like the RM99 revolver is being treated like a rifle rather than a handgun. (0.b stable)

Maybe it’s just really big…

Guns bigger than 5 volume can’t fit in a holster.

Shouldn’t all handguns fit in a holster? I mean, where else would they go? Especially since you can craft a holster yourself. Why make a holster too small to hold your own gun?

Some of the Leadworks autorevolvers are also two-handed. IIRC that’s a ST check, so if you’re not beefy enough you’ll need two hands to control the weapon.

Makes sense, as the RM99 is basically firing a rifle cartridge.

I have a .357 revolver IRL and it’s about as big a round as I’d ever want to try firing with one hand; I’d imagine those 8x40 rounds are even beefier.