Reducing food amount

Hello. Is it possible to reduce food/water amount in game? Apocalypse is quite strange with tons of food and bottles of water

You can only turn down overall item spawn by default in world options, but that effects all items.

You may be able to mod it, but it would be hefty item list.

Location of the game is East Coast U.S. The average person’s home in the U.S. tends to keep food on hand.

I personally do for variety and selection, also if for some reason there’s a big crisis for extra cash, we can cut back into the grocery bill for that week/month. I keep bottled water by the case (24), and keep it around to have when we drive longer distances since it’s cheaper in bulk. It’s much easier than trying to find a container/lid etc. Freeze them, and mix them in a cooler with beer and some ice and you don’t even need that much extra ice for the cooler for an event/outing. Then you have cold water and cold beer.

I know I could skip buying groceries for probably 2+ weeks and be fine on things that are not perishable.

There is usually like 2-8 food items per house. That isn’t really that much. Even the ‘grocery’ stores don’t actually have ‘that’ much food in them compared to reality. My idea of is that since it’s a few hours/days after the crisis, that some people already hit up those stores and that is what is left.

Per house there isn’t a lot of food, it’s that your in a city so there’s going to be food.

In most western countries, there’s enough food on hand at any given time to feed the entire population for at least several days.

99% of that population is now dead. Multiply “several days” times at least 100.

Sure, a good chunk of that is perishable, but a single person could live on the non-perishables, just in my house, for at least a week, and I keep mostly perishable food (big freezer). If anything, there’s really not ENOUGH food.

Now, 2 years from now, if you’re just scavenging, THEN you’re going to have problems! But in the immediate aftermath of a zombie apocalypse, food should be of little concern.

Actually, the food should be REALLY concerned, as all those zombies are out to eat you! Heh.

Yeah, I like the Cataclysm as a survival situation, because it’s really not that hard to find food for the next couple years. That being said, if you want to live through the cataclysm, but as if you started in a third world country where everyone is acquiring food on a meal to meal basis, you should totally make a mod for it. That’d be pretty cool…

I had the same issue for a while about the game but honestly its fine, while their is a lot of food their is risk in obtaining it, IE zombies. its a tough balance for the dev’s for more experienced players its probably too much, for new players its probably just right. the game also gives the illusion of having a lot of food but your character also eats ALOT, I just had a run where i thought i had a metric ton of food but as it turns on i was hunting wild life for food.

you could try a char with high food and thirst traits.

I think that most of the food you find are just snacks. For every noodles or soup i found, i get 4-5 snacks like pretzels, or such. Same with fluids, for every bottle of water i get few sodas. And I also sometimes look for something to eat after hard days work to my trunk and can’t find anything that can really satisfy my hunger. You only think you have tons of food.

With an ant hill near a swamp, you can pretty easily have literally tons of food.

  1. kill ants
  2. butcher ants
  3. haul meat to swamp
  4. make jerky

And if you’ve got a smoker and charcoal, it’s even better. I have over 300 jerky and over 400 smoked meat. Heck, I made all the smoked meat (including killing and butchering the ants) in less than 7 days (doing it in the winter helps a lot, as you don’t have to worry about the meat spoiling).

To be quite honest, in a real situation there should be a LOT more stuff in houses laying around. And I mean a lot. Most fridges would be full, most cabinets/dressers would be full of something, there’d be crap all over the place and it’d be actually very easy to live off of an abandoned neighborhood for a while. According to lore, people were dying in droves right from the get-go and the confusion was huge. Houses should have a buttload of more stuff in them, but that’d also make it too easy for the player, who would have almost more stuff than they could use per residence.

Not every store would be looted, either, though they would probably be high on the places that’d get sacked first.

[quote=“Wally-kun, post:8, topic:10321”]To be quite honest, in a real situation there should be a LOT more stuff in houses laying around. And I mean a lot. Most fridges would be full, most cabinets/dressers would be full of something, there’d be crap all over the place and it’d be actually very easy to live off of an abandoned neighborhood for a while. According to lore, people were dying in droves right from the get-go and the confusion was huge. Houses should have a buttload of more stuff in them, but that’d also make it too easy for the player, who would have almost more stuff than they could use per residence.

Not every store would be looted, either, though they would probably be high on the places that’d get sacked first.[/quote]

In real life grocery stores are usually the first to be hit by looters, if only because the times when looting makes sense are generally the times when you aren’t sure that even money will buy you food. I usually play with item spawn set to 10, so I’m not hardcore. I like having to dig around a bunch of useless crap nearly the entire time, much better than finding that there was nothing in the kitchen to begin with :stuck_out_tongue:

I usually play with items spawn of 0.2 or lower. This way you have to be on the run all the time. But even though I still have full trunks of food.
Probably I need to set monster spawn rate higher to raise the challenge level and balance this out.
Heck, I need a separate thread, I have some questions. :slight_smile: