Problems with jobs starting with guns

I’m using the experimental build #4331.

It’s not a bug that crashes the program, but there is a tiny little problem with some jobs;
They spawn with guns, but not magazines.
This makes the guns they start with useless; I can’t reload them no matter how I try.
Shouldn’t characters with jobs starting with guns also have the matching magazines? They probably wouldn’t carry a gun they can’t even fire, wouldn’t they?
The jobs I’m talking about are; Security guards, Police officers, Bionic thiefs, Gangsters, Police detectives, Riot control officers, Police snipers, SWAT officers, and SWAT CQC specialists.

The magazines just got put into the game, so some side-effects were sure to pop up. Bet this is fixed within 2 days.

Try unloading the gun initially - sometimes the guns start with an empty magazine already loaded in the gun.

Tried unloading the gun- It didn’t help.
The guns doesn’t spawn with magazines in it.

Oh in that case its just an oversite from the freshly added magazines