Planning out 91 day seasons

I also run with 91 day long seasons right now aswell. Mainly because I thought it’d be cool at the beginning to basically have proper length years (364 days is close enough). But now that I managed to get a survivor to the point of surviving the first season, she’s turned into a walking engine of posthuman destruction. I know that’s the eventual end point anyway, but in the future I think 30 day long seasons will help keep things more interesting.

Winter starts with 91 day seasons are challenging. I don’t know if a wilderness start then world be possible even, but I kind of morbidly want to try. Light eater might be worth the lines for once.

Depending on how you play the wilderness start. If you stay there and do not search for a settlement you ll probably have a hard time sustaining youself.
But unless you tune down the itemspawnrate the citys will be filled with food that hasn t perished as it is winter.

Does adjusting the season lenght actually adjust anything currently?
Like the amount thing X takes, healing or, most importantly, the regrowth of plants and wildlife since you burn through many times the amount of food in 91-day seasons.
(And, in theory, your hunger/thirst should increase slower, but that would be just silly!)

[quote=“troll from behind, post:24, topic:9294”]Does adjusting the season lenght actually adjust anything currently?
Like the amount thing X takes, healing or, most importantly, the regrowth of plants and wildlife since you burn through many times the amount of food in 91-day seasons.
(And, in theory, your hunger/thirst should increase slower, but that would be just silly!)[/quote]

Crop cycles, building time if you set the new experimental setting for it 100% does too. And plants / bushes scale too. It can be a bit of a challenge if you are on hard times in the winter. But if you get a solar powered food dehydrator / vacuum packer sorted. You can just find the nearest anthill or hive and process meat till you have a stockpile to see you through lean times/years depending on spawn settings.