Overmap getting restarted

i just suffered it again in version 6017 as i suffered it before in some recent prior version which made me restart to once again get it in this version.map around me got erased and somewhat randomised except for shelter which i began forifying and where i sleeped when this event happened.last time it was mansion whenre i slept but then except radomising and erasing large part of map starting shelter map from which i got far surroudings also stood on overmap.

this is my map now on 26 spring day. north of me is compeltely randomised and have new features like destroyed car which wasnt there in north as i got my metal supplies from car near mall which was on south dont exist on map.also.also i am standing in forest tile without forest.

overmap after 26 daz in which i didnt moved much but i explored more than starting position

me standing in so called forest tile

"deep forest " on east


returned on previous version and it got map back again but again i rember i explored more to east when i faced horde from city


edit lol it loads day 12 for some reason instead of day 26 whcih would explain lack of eastern edge