New Nether Critters

[quote=“Bill Chompski, post:26, topic:12271”]I’ve always thought the game lacked horrifying lifeforms that use you to reproduce. Anyway, this is more of a thing that uses symbiosis as opposed to parasitism.
It’s a bulbous, almost pulsating worm with a mouth and six long, thin spider-y legs. It’s very fast, very hard to hit, but also very weak. Upon seeing you, it skitters towards you, and attempts to bite you. If bitten, you begin to feel slow. If bitten in total 5 times, you are completely paralyzed. It then uses it’s legs to pry your mouth open, and crawl down, into your throat, and eventually to your body. Once the venom from the thing wears off, everything feels normal, for a day or two, but you do feel hungrier.
Occasionally, you’ll feel it moving around inside of you, and take a minor morale hit.
Then, you vomit your first child.
Every 3-7 days, maybe more, maybe less, you begin convulsing horribly, and vomit up one of these thing’s larvae. This gives you a big morale hit, as well as losing quite a bit of hunger.
The larvae then flees, far away from you, and will eventually grow into an adult.
This will continue to be birthed from you like this, until it gets removed.
So basically, this parasite worm spider thing makes you it’s living incubator.

BUT, it’s not all bad.
This worm will provide natural painkillers, healing, and adrenaline when it senses it’s host is in danger.
After all, if you were a parasite, you’d do what you could to keep your host alive, right?
Of course, you can’t make it’s chemicals too OP.[/quote]Naturally, you should be permitted to drink bleach to get rid of it.
Doing so would kill it 100%, but only kill you for 80%, so a win-win situation in my book.

[quote=“Logrin, post:14, topic:12271”]Back with more suggestions:

A type of creature that is ONLY vulnerable to fire.

A critter that tethers you to it amigara fault style and spawns ranged attackers to kite you.

A creature that generates EXTREME levels of heat or cold in its proximity

A creature that pulps bodies, is invisible if standing in blood and will target players only if they’re seriously wounded

An anomaly that generates poisonous water deep enough to drown in.

An anomaly that spawns infants that progress through adulthood and into death in a matter of turns. Sort of a morale trap. Progresses the ‘don’t care about killing zombie kids’ meter.

Meat and bone you can plant like a crop

something that has cut resist through the roof. Can’t even scratch it with a diamond katana.

Worm forests

A creature that leaves a snail trail of impassible terrain

A shoggoth scale flying critter that will try to carry the player up and drop them

A critter that’s only hostile if the player is running

A creature that will follow the player if given a booze item dog style. When it dies it leaves behind a husk that can be rehydrated to make it loyal and living again.

A sinkhole style creature it swallows players and does acid damage, killing the walls frees you.

A type of creature that follows players and only turns hostile once enough of its peers are doing the same.[/quote]

Everything here.

Good lord the gut parasite incubator thing is nightmare fuel i wasn’t ready to read that at two in the morning. Jesus haha.

Just stumbled across this gallery, figured it’s relevant to this discussion. It’s a list of creatures from the Cthulhu mythos, with artistic interpretations of each.

No chance of borrowing from vehicle code to make a long multi-tile monster, is there? Even two tiles would be novel. I know this is asking a lot. I also know vehicles aren’t how I remember. Moving as a solid block at strange angles as if it had no ability to bend would not be out of place anyhow.

I want a nether creature that moves like a long, god-damn train of limbs. I want neatly spaced, repeated legs the whole way down like a caterpillar with limbs somewhere between a salamander and a human’s arm. Eyes or other features repeating like they were determined by mathematics, fading in at the front and fading out in the back like a looping gif. It is non-hostile, but it moves fast enough that if you are in its path, it might not turn out of the way in time.

I want it to shimmer like the nether portal it tore through at fullspeed. Like when you look at a blacklight and you get that visual fuzzyness from it but you can’t see ultraviolet. (please tell me everybody thinks blacklight “light” looks like a fuzzy “impression” of light.)

I want it to suck the warmth out of whatever tiles it crosses, feeding not by mouth but directly through the absorption of energy. I want a massive Fuck-You to the eventual heat death of the universe, on hand-legs, leaving trails of horrid cold like the deepest layers of ice labs. It fades in time, but passing through the cold would incur the usual penalties much like standing too near a fire’s heat does.

It is neither hostile nor friendly, it is a force. You don’t reason with it.

A living, noxious, acidic cloud that blocks vision, causes damage to limbs while you’re in it, and poison/slow effects if you breath it in. Immune to physical damages (Or very hard to hit), but the gas is highly flammable. The “core” of the creature doesn’t really attack, but it attempts to stick right against its target, melting them down. Because predatory weather is the sort of thing I’d expect to find in the nether.

Think a smoker zombie cloud, that just starts melting people. And with Z-Levels maturing, and creatures starting to path between them, it could literally come down on a player from above. Not to mention how dangerous they’d be if you found some in labs, with how heat damage and fire works.

Sounds like a gelatinous cube with all the stupid removed and a whole lotta badass. Which is to say, nothing like the gelatinous cube anymore. I LOVE MURDER WEATHER!

This is all pretty awesome but

sounds like he would make a good friend for a high-level survivor. He’s a free corpse-pulping service…just don’t get too wounded.

See, I find the idea of delicate coexistance a really intriguing concept with regards to mobs/npcs. More interesting than an assured ally, yet not something you want to immediately dispose of out of convenient safety, either.

a evolved gracken-like creature that moves his arms so fast it can redirect air in your direction causing damage and throwing you off-balance.
if its inside a cloud of any gas of some sort(smoke,toxic,napalm maybe?) it can direct the gas on your direction.

While I’m about 90% sure the Gracken is actually a reference to a pro gamer, I love the idea of this! Definitely turns a joke into something less goofy, more immerse-y.

Yea, gracke is a reference rto gracke-cocaine which was a debug item that stopped time and was in turn a reference to a fast starcraft player. or soemthing.

I wonder if there is a way to have a creature die if you take its picture?

a few more suggestions:

*A creature that mimics the player movement pattern but inversely, leading to perfectly symmetrical violence if one doesn’t catch on to what’s happening

*A non-hostile creature that seems chiefly concerned with destroying buildings

*A creature that poses as an NPC eager to join you and behaves as exactly that. Over time it gradually learns your skills growing more formidable and treacherous. Maybe as it attains certain power thresholds sneaky spelling errors in its dialog start to give it away?

*A creature that SPECIFICALLY targets the arms and legs and will NEVER do damage to the head or torso. Optionally, once a broken limb lies vulnerable the creature attempts to replace it like a living prosthesis–requiring painful self-surgery to remove if one isn’t willing to play host.

*A ranged attacker that hops around at random. Being struck with its attacks causes the player to hallucinate multiple manifestations of this menace–making it difficult to ferret out the location of their actual attacker

*Sponge like, immobile creature that quickly duplicates in favorable conditions: i.e. rain. God forbid it reaches a riverbed.

*Creature that converts structures to meat much like the paper wasp does.

How do you come up with all these spooky ideas?

As a youth I was exposed to particularly strange stimuli such as (in a program I can no longer clearly recall the name of) an animated exert of Mark Leyner’s My Cousin, My Gastroenterologist. Particularly after all these years lines like:

“At this range, the downy cilia-like hairs that trickle from her naval remind me of the fractal ferns produced from injecting dyed water into an aqueous polymer solution, and I tell her so.”

Stick with me.

I am certain there must still exist the precise scene on the internet, but for the life of me I was unable to find it–even with an almost visceral recollection of it. Incidentally I remember a short entitled something like “Frank Dharma” playing alongside the above. It presented an indian-afterlife inspired dystopia like a gritty dick tracey serial. There was a one liner where he interrupted someone with a hooka at gunpoint, narrating it as: “He had been trying to attain enlightenment. (gunshot) I sent him to nirvanaa”

Hoestly though, it looks more like a good DF FB than a monster from the nether. Maybe it can live underground?

and/or like its amphibious. Maybe its a lava beaver. But you know eats flesh, or fleash trees or howling trees or something instead of mundane wood.

I wouldn’t mind a nether creature that WAS a map tile.

Slimepits don’t count.

A nether critter that is both permanently neutral and invincible would be cool.

Tentacles, a weird enemy that doesn’t move and spawns all around portals, basically tentacles coming through the ground. It could even use the worm trait to make to go underground.

Burrows self, switches between map tile and mobile form. Behaves much like stepping on anything sharp, aquatic, and possibly Australian, except for the whole slither-hovering through the air and earth like it’s nothing. tends to be passive, attack once, and flee. A couple feet long, maybe? They sometimes nest in families. Can startle other ones in the vicinity, like a flock of birds.

sorta similar to the train-like infinite-limbed train denizen I described earlier, but this picture I’m imagining dropping off arms on occasion. Maybe it heals when injured and discards redundant limbs as some kind of function. They’re dead, disgusting, and possibly harvestable for materials once they stop twitching (which can be violent enough to get slapped if you’re inattentive).

A new idea, a heavily-armoured beast who appears to have massive plate-like scales. Closer inspection reveals they are large sections of cannibalized aircraft, glued into patchwork’d place by some type of naturally excreted hard resin. Possibly what happened to all those airplanes in the Bermuda triangle, though someone will have to decide whether or not that violates previous lore.