New Nether Critters

Your plane idea immediately just makes me think of a nether giant hermit crab type creature that uses APC’s and other armored vehicles as their “shells”. Early ones would just have like, SUV’s and whatnot they’ve stuffed themselves into, the high evolution ones would be full on military troop carriers, tanks, etc. Bonus points if they can still work the vehicle weapons.

“You see the Armored Hermit’s turret rotate towards you”
“You start running”
“You hear a loud bang from the North-East”
“You are deaf!”
“Watch the final moments of your life? Y/N”

Crazy stuff like that would give us reason to mount 120mm autoloading tank guns to our deathmobiles.

I would love to see that hermit crab critter in-game. Even more so if we ever get multi-tile creatures.

That is what you would lob a mininuke at, or a mininukehack

That’s why I carry around 51 mininukes in my trunk.

Just in case you accidentally run over one and need to blow the back half of the vehichle off so as to not leave any evidence?

No, to blow up the monster before it steals my Solar Roller and becomes an unstoppable juggernaut of solar-powered laser death.

Or in horribly disaster-full moments, after. Non get to use the solar roller but flame.

Mininuke-gatling-turret. all the destructive power of a god.

I know it might be impossible to do, but a creature like a mimic that turns into seemingly mundane objects and hides in player frequented spots, and waits for you to sleep before taking it’s true form and attacking.

Also, evil puppets and ventro dummies.

And maybe a creature which invades your mind when you sleep, and you have to slay it in a bad dream or something.


The issues with a lot of these critters is requiring new code for generic critters or special hardcoded exceptions.

But a lot of them are equally interesting. We have a (as far as I know) unused OVERMAP SCENT. Dont know what it is used for (possibly horde homing) but it tracks every single location you have been to, by both time and consequently, direction.

this would help things like unique or stalking monsters. These stalkers could be seen to only attack weak characters. or something.

the example code for lua is elves spawning at the edge of the overmap every day. Spoopy.

I vaguely recall there being a mannequin hallucination in some mod. PK’s, I think.

Anyway. Make it an actual monster. Hidden in some cellar, dungeon, etc, a random amount, maybe 1-15?
They can only grapple, and move slightly faster than your standard zombino. Basically, they swarm you, and hold you down.
Now, after that, they could do one of a few things, some likely easier to implement than others.

1.) They just keep holding you down, and do generally unnerving things. Whisper, groan, whimper, hug you, slap you, shake your head, etc. Basically just smash your morale to bits. They just do this for a full day, like weirdos. Maybe have one of them whisper how much longer until it’s been 24 hours, so players don’t throw their hands up, and think they fell into some inescapable trap.
2.) Once grappled, they start slowly killing you by punching or strangling or some other spookier method.
3.) Keeping you held down, they start screeching, attracting any other nasties.
4.) Each does a certain amount of damage, “draining” you, be it through blood-sucking or mind rape or something. Once they’ve had their fill of blood/brainwaves, they disappear/turn back into normal mannequins, or something like that. Basically, become a non-threat.
5.) Steal your stuff and run away, like a zombie technician. But with running away.
6.) Tear a limb off, and leave. OR, tear EVERY limb off, essentially fucking you over harder than the Black Knight.
7.) Status effects ahoy, they magically(?) assault you into blindness, deafness, some other thing, and release you. Lasts for a day or less?
8.) Now this one is weird, and might be hard to code. Once grappled, a different mannequin appears, jabs you with a needle/does a magic incantation/something like that, and then YOU become a mannequin! Be it just a “Special Game Over”, or you become a weird type of mutant (which is a whole different talk, implementing a new mutation “path”).

These, especially variant one, are inspired from the mannequin-monster-things in Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. Y’know, the ones that just jump onto you, and generally act like creeps.
Maybe the ones from the movie too.
But the movie sucks.

UPDATE on my older post about the gut parasites. Mouth-Wrenchers? Throat-Tunnelers? Not sure what to call them. But, there could be another enemy type added, a ‘Parasite Carrier’. As you can probably guess, it’s an NPC or animal or something that is playing host to the foul critter. They attempt to restrain you, be it by grappling or paralyzation (perhaps the parasite can emerge from their mouth to bite/string you, like the plagas in Resident Evil 4?), and puke a larva into your throat, spreading the infestation. After you’re infested, they won’t kill you, unless you take them down to low health. Trying to initiate combat with one while you’re a host will likely get you some sort of message about your gut-buddy not liking that, and warns you. If you go ahead and do it, maybe it thrashes around to give you pain, or something.
As a side note, the parasite will be amping the ‘Parasite Carrier’ up in combat as well, as it would do with you. So just boosted stats.

I’ve heard ‘make an ice monster’ quite a bit, so here’s my quick idea:

Frozen husk: “Once a human, this horrific creature is covered in blue flesh and frost. The air near it feels a lot colder then it should be. It’s eyes are gone, leaving two empty sockets, yet somehow you feel like it’s watching you…” (Somehow) Frozen bodies taken over by the blob, these creatures have damage similar to that of a regular zombie, however with it’s special attack it can slow you done, possibly give you frostbite (or some other form of cold damage), and make you extremely cold. Being near it (About 4-5 tiles) is about as cold as a winter night. Could be slightly faster than normal zombies (They’re a leftover husk of a dead body the goo has taken over, not a shuffling mass of decaying flesh.). Your best bet is to take them at range, or if your character is extremely powerful, kite them. The latter is a bad option near other zombies, since the speed penalty will leave you open to other attacks. Could take additional damage/be less effective in the heat.