Currently we have foot pedals for bikes and the like. That’s great and I love it but would it be possible to implement the following in any way shape or form?
Strength ((or possibly Dexterity)) determine how much ‘power’ your foot pedals give you.
Also, the last time I checked installing multiple sets of peddles increases the speed of a vehicle. While I’m all for tandem bikes someone should have to be sitting on them for that to be reasonable.
This has definitely been on the to-do list (there is actually a note at the relevant code spot IIRC) for quite a while, just waiting for someone to do it.
[quote=“The Lone Badger, post:3, topic:5054”]Can you add an alternator to foot pedals? If so you should be able to, at the cost of drag (reduced speed).
That way we can have pedal generators.[/quote]
Was just thinking of the same thing yesterday.
Requesting Dynamo-class alternator for pedal-powered vehicles.