Moving broken vehicles out of the road

Amount of vehicle combinations that exist would make this an impossible task, there need to be vehicle “item” for every possible configuring of parts.

You can’t just create a json of it like the vehicle/character import/export application does when it is folded, and use that as a template to spawn an identical vehicle when it’s “unfolded” aka removed from the truck bed?

I do not know how the folding and unfolding is working, actually, but using vehicle item like that is tempting to put it in cargo container, or turn into item to save space. That would be new issue of turning whole vehicles into items, only for more room in the main base, not for moving.

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You mean like a pokeball for tanks or trucks? Or the capsule things from Dragonball? I mean, that sounds awesome to me, but I don’t see it making it into the base game.

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I think yes, but that is why it is problem. If any vehicle could just be folded up, then why only use it for moving vehicles in road? Is too tempting for players to do, pack up the massive tank into a one tile space, no, need a more realistic solution. I think z level may be the answer, but it still work in progress, apparently.

No, what I was saying was requiring it be put into a physically large storage space, made up of multiple storage units the same number of tiles equivalent to the vehicle volume. They would just connect together to act as a single storage space. You would not be miniaturizing the vehicle. Its just a way to implement cramming one vehicle into another.
For example: you have a vehicle that is 5x4. We shall treat each tile as 1000L of volume. The vehicle is turned into an item with a volume of 20,000L. You would have to have 20 storage spaces, each 1000L, adjacent to each other to store that item.

There would need a new flag to prevent player from using vehicle volume as cargo volume for items, unless already a flag exists.

Well, since we are trying to replicate a flat bed of a truck, I see no reason not to allow items to be stored in it too. You just need to make sure that the storage volume of a vehicle “item” exceeds the volume of the other containers in the game. No flags needed. Unless the game could still attempt to cram the vehicle into that stowboard and then cause a collision or something. Idk.

Players would have difficult time even moving such an object, with vehicle weights and volume in a single space without use of pulley or cranes anyway. If the ground cannot even hold an object with an extreme volume, what will happen? I think ground volume maximum is 1500 or 2000, so any higher may cause game problems. It may be easier to just attach vehicles by winch or cranes and move that way. I do like the ideas here of modular vehicle, but that is off topic.

Well, I was thinking the way it would work is that it never really exists in a single space. The item form of the vehicle would only ever exist inside of the storage, which is distributed over multiple tiles combined into a single storage container.

Of course I am only assuming that can be done.

Alternatively, you might trick the program into doing what you want by treating your stored vehicle as a liquid, and each individual flatbed section as a “tank”, and you would then just fill the “tanks” with your “liquified” vehicle.

Either way, the flatbed storage would be made up of multiple adjacent tiles sharing a theoretical volume.

When you used the crane to load a car for example, the car would disappear in a puff of logic, with the item itself never to be seen in the environment. When it is removed from the back of the truck by the crane, the car would simply spawn in a place you select nearby.

200 melting car

mininuke would be faster…

Is there any way to move wreckage? Besides demolition. Dismantle I think and pushing everything is the only method right?

Happy Halloween :ghost:

It’s not a bad approach, but there’s still two obstacles:

  1. Figuring the approximate location of the carried vehicle on the flatbed
  2. Taking damage to the flatbed and carried vehicle.

I think they’re solvable but they’re not trivial.

If you use the item approach, I’m not really sure how you would do either of those things. However, if you use the approach where you approximate the vehicle as a liquid, the vehicle is everywhere in the flatbed that contains the theoretical liquid.

Here is how I think it would work (limited programming expertise, so bear with me here):
Starting Assumptions:
1.) The volume of a vehicle tile is the same regardless of what kind of part it is, or how many parts are in that tile.
2.) Each flatbed tile has a storage volume equal to the volume of a vehicle tile. Items stored within the vehicle being loaded will be ignored for purposes of vehicle volume.

1.) A dimensional comparison check will be done to confirm that the width/length of the flatbed is greater than or equal to that of the vehicle being loaded. Additionally, the program will check the inverse of the vehicle dimension vs the flatbed (to simulate loading the vehicle sideways). Inverse loading configuration will always take priority, to allow more vehicles to be crammed into a flatbed truck where possible (no point in a 1x3 motorbike that can be arranged sideways preventing a car from being loaded due to insufficient length).
2.) If true, the flatbed tiles will then be “filled” from left to right, starting at the top left corner.
3.) After each flatbed tile is filled, there should be a check to see if the width of the flatbed that has been filled “X” equals the width of the vehicle being loaded. If true, go to next row.
4.) If any of the flatbed tiles take damage above a certain amount, you could “spill” a bit of your liquefied vehicle stored in that area, and when it gets spawned during unloading, that tile will take a proportional amount of damage. If the flatbed is damaged beyond repair but not outright destroyed (greyed out), the vehicle tile its holding would be too.
5.) If a flatbed tile is outright destroyed, the items and materials from that tile on the stored vehicle could be dropped onto the ground at the time of destruction (this might be difficult to implement, I’m not sure).

i just though of a vehicle compactor or grinder that when it make contact with an object til break it down to resources and collects them in a storage or something like that


There should already be code for a collector item. The scoop on the robot street sweeper vehicles you can find. Would just need a grinder style component.

Might try using the roller drums from a steamroller for the grinder. I’ll have to get my hands on some scoops and find an intact steamroller to soup up and try it out on.

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At the moment? Yeah. But if you smash it partways, the weight drops quickly and it gets easier to push, and it collapses into scrap more readily when you push it.

Jackhammer it. Its how I moved a bus… in pieces.