Currently, to my knowledge, intact helicopters spawn in precisely two places; military bases and regional airports.
Helicopters are rare. Finding breakdowns immediately relevant (that is, to New England) are difficult, but nationwide stats paint a clear picture.
Finding an intact helicopter should be even more rare after a period of intense use, and the fact that many would be deployed overseas.
Regardless of this rarity, the current lack of possible spawns feels off to me. If you want to (legitimately) obtain a working helicopter you have to look for regional airports or military bases. Military helipads have no chance to spawn any, hospitals have no chance to spawn any, and as far as I know there aren’t even commercial helipads for news channels or police search facilities.
I would suggest as an immediate fix to this current unrealistic state that a relatively small chance be added to all current helipads of spawning relevant helicopters (medevacs on hospitals, military helicopters on military helipads) with a smaller still chance of them being intact. Spitball numbers based on nothing would be 20% chance of a spawn per helipad, maybe a 10% chance of that spawn being a non-wrecked helicopter. I’d like feedback on this the most as I plan to do a PR for this if there are no major obstacles.
After this I’d be interested in any sort of objective measure of how rare helicopters should be based on population, military assets in New England today, or perhaps actual number of helicopters in New England divided by the area of the region.
Finally, and one I have no real interest in doing myself, more helipads are needed so that commercial, non-medical craft, and private transport craft, the apparently most common sort to be found in the CONUS, can plausibly spawn.
This is my first post here, so let me know if I’ve committed any faux pax or otherwise screwed up.