Standard US Army gear for wear over body armor. It is very adjustable (activate to make fits?) and also very modular. Standard loadout should contain seven ammo magazines worth of ammo pouches, first aid kit, two canteen, canteen cup, and one grenade pouch. The first aid kit is intended for combat usage. I would probably differentiate it from regular gear. All of these things are of course modular. The standard “assault pack” (aka backpack) that is issued to soldiers also have the weave that allows molle gear to be attached to it. You also see this weave on a lot of purchasable civilian gear today. I don’t know if it’d be possible to code something like this to allow customization of some of the existing gear out there while making the various pouches as mods. I’ll see if I can link some pictures.
This is the one that was in use while I was in about five years ago.
This is the one that was in use when I joined.
Hello everyone, first post on this forum, reviving a 6 year old post about MOLLE gear !
Indeed, now 6 years later, it has been implemented exactly what @Miloch asked for…
But the implementation kinda sucks !
One of the neatest things IRL about modular tactical gear like the MOLLE is how easy it is to swap LOADED pouches instead of transferring their content from one bag/vest to another.
Which the current implementation does not allow ; you have to empty the pouch you want to swap, then detach it, attach it to the other piece of equipment, then reinsert its content into it.
Tedious. I wish i could just put my essential gear into one tactical dump pouch I could swap between my LBE and my ballistic vest (which I can do IRL).
I see that every new experimental build is currently adding more PALS compatible gear, but the PALS implementation itself is unsatisfactory. I’m no programmer unfortunately and cannot rework it myself.