[In-progress] Base mod! generators

No. Currently, buildings have an extremely lightweight footprint in terms of memory and processor time; vehicles have an extremely heavyweight footprint in the same terms.

There was an extensive discussion between 4 senior devs on this topic last night on the discord server, see https://discordapp.com/channels/598523535169945603/598535887801810944/768213398541565952 and on and on for the next 6 hours.

Basically, what we expect to have happen at some point:

  • some of the vehicle code will get migrated to be usable by other entities
  • it will be possible to convert some furniture (mostly electrical appliances) into an appliance class which uses the vehicle power generation/usage code; most electrical appliances will stay furniture to minimize performance concerns but the player will have the option of making the furniture they care about into appliances.
  • most buildings will remain a collection of terrain and furniture, but again the player will have the option to take over a specific building and turn into to a facility, which again uses the vehicle power generation and usage code.

So ideally, your home base is going to be a fully powered facility with solar panels, a combustion powered generator, overhead lights, and floor lamps and machine tools as appliances. The mansion that you raid, loot, and leave will remain a collection of furniture and terrain, and the mansions’ floor lamps that you never use will remain furniture. Very light weight for performance concerns for the stuff you don’t care about, heavyweight memory and performance concerns for the stuff you do care about.