Mention if a food is perishable in the description

Yeah. I can’t figure out how it’s even considered food in the first place.

Seems like a waste of good licorice.

The other foods are pretty normal stuff for the Northeastern USA though.[/quote]

There was a “food expansion thread” not too long ago. A buncha’ stuff got rolled into the merger and made it into the game I guess. The salmaic powder was one of them … a couple of us pointed out the “Americans won’t get what that is, nor understand why it is in the Northeast US” thing but I think it just went through as-is.

I think theres like, some weird Pork-Sticks thing in game too that felt “off” because it wasn’t found in the US.

Changing salmaic powder to pixie stix like you said, or even just “sugar/powdered candy” or whatever … and like, the Pork Sticks to Pork Rinds or Slim-Jims may smooth them?

Not to beat a dead horse but it kinda’ ties into the “too many cooks” aspect of things though, stuff slips into the main game that might not fit and then it becomes a game of finding it again and letting the right people know it might need fixin’. Easier to halt stuff at the gate and give it a once-over then try and find things once they’re loose in the zoo.

[quote=“DG123, post:16, topic:4586”]Canned soup rots? That sounds a bit ridiculous. Can we get that fixed?

Canned food should last for years.[/quote]

If the food is in a tin can it is automatically set to not rot. So it shouldn’t even have a chance to happen. Anyone have pics?

Don’t think I have pics offhand, but canned soup definitely rots, at about the same rate as regular soup. Always assumed it was intended, though.


That’s weird. I see in the json that it does have a “spoils_in” of 120, but these lines in the code should change that:

in item::in_its_container(std::map<std::string, itype*> *itypes)

if (dynamic_cast<it_comest*>(type)->container == "can_food") food->spoils = 0;

Perhaps I am wrong about the lines and their actual function?

Perhaps that’s how it’s supposed to function, but in practice (admittedly I haven’t tested this recently so it may have changed at some point) food inside cans rots just as fast as food that’s not contained in any fashion.

But again, I may be wrong. I haven’t tested this in quite a while and perhaps it’s finally been fixed.

Most food in cans keeps indefinitely, only some things rot, like soup. Maybe something in the soup code overrides it?

Stuff in cans rots because containers have no special functions relating to food beyond being containers.

The birthday/spoil time is stored on the food itself, just in case you were to decant it into a plastic bottle or something. Or if it were some sealed non-liquid (like perhaps a can of corn) and you simply removed it.

To fix it you’d basically need to have it always assume canned stuff is non-rotten, and if something gets de-canned, to have it set the birthday to the current turn (and adjust the spoil date correctly).

:open_mouth: I suggested that stuff because I saw that stuff for sale last time I visited America. And if you have really never tasted salmiac, I suggest you should. It’s actually very good.

:open_mouth: I suggested that stuff because I saw that stuff for sale last time I visited America. And if you have really never tasted salmiac, I suggest you should. It’s actually very good.[/quote]

Where did you see it for sale, though? lol … a big common chain store that is everywhere, or a specialty market/market that deals in imported foods? … oh, and where in America were you, btw? If for instance, New York City, it definitely isn’t a good baseline to use for what New England would have on hand in a regular old town for instance.

Tweaking things to make, like, small versions of the grocery store that spawn foods from out-of-region to simulate small specialty food stores would make sense though if people wanted to leave a bunch of non-standard stuff in. It wouldn’t break immersion much to raid a corner store and see all kinds of “weird by American standards” food that I have to Google to know what it is, if its spawn location made sense in the world.