(Man)hack vs. broken (man)hack mass inconsistencies

A broken 'hack weighs far more and is bulkier than an intact inactive 'hack, although the volume increase might be understandable, as a wrecked device isn’t a neat and sleek bundle anymore. The mass issue goes for all 'hacks, except mininuke hack. Just as a reminder, various 'hacks can be found in tools.json, while all the broken 'hacks are in melee.json. I’ve compiled the 'hack info below just as an overview.

manhack - weight 300, volume 1
broken manhack - weight 3213, volume 3 (That’s… almost 10x the mass of the original…)

grenade hack - weight 480, volume 1
broken grenade hack - weight 2113, volume 3

mininuke hack - weight 4671, volume 1 (odd volume since it’s supposed to be “twice as large as a normal manhack”)
broken mininuke hack - weight 4226, volume 3

tear gas hack - weight 1564, volume 1
broken tear gas hack - weight 2113, volume 3

EMP hack - weight 700, volume 1
broken EMP hack - weight 2113, volume 3

C4 hack - weight 1870, volume 1
broken C4 hack - weight 2113, volume 3

flashbang hack - weight 536, volume 1
broken flashbang hack - weight 2113, volume 3