Lars Andersen style archery

Yeah, that’s true, but that’s probably why they argue it’s a good thing to be able to shoot fast and in an agile manner - to not be completely useless against someone with a stabbing thing while at relatively close range. Also, e.g. archer on a horse (much like mongolian archers were, so yeah I see what you’re saying, he probably draws his stuff from the East) is a totally different story - gotta aim and shoot fast and mobility means one can afford closer ranges.


This is of course very true, strategically, when you have hoardes of archers which have a frontline of footman “tanks” or a castle wall to guard them from the stuff they’re shooting at. But then again, we’re dealing with the “one survivalist against zombies”, or “native american archer against someone from a rival tribe in a forest”, or probably just “hunting for something big and scary that’s not going down in 1 shot and will charge you” – I imagine there are situations where an archer doesn’t necessarily has the time nor the need to aim carefully for a very long shot. I think that’s the kind of thing that Lars fellow is aiming for (gah, the pun).

Well we don’t really encouner any of the situations that would require that. We only have the perfectly stationary olympic archery, or the hobbist hunter kind of thing which also is probably not something that would keep that kind of hardcore jackie-chan shooting Lars is doing alive as an art. But I imagine fighting feral runners probably would :slight_smile:

Also, on an off note, I always wondered, why does the putting arrow on the other side of the bow matter for a bow with a sight? I mean, if you put both the rest and the sight on the right, wouldn’t that be just the same but afford you quicker “reload”? Like, what happens if you take a leftie bow and shoot it right-handed – is it not as accurate if shot that way?
Oh actually I think I just got it. It’s because you have to draw the sinew past your face, and that means you can’t really use a sight that’s mounted on the right, isn’t it. Took me long enough hahah :smiley: