Inventory Item dropping down without notice when picking something from ground or vehicle, annoying

I’ve noticed few times when character picks something, current inventory item can be dropped to ground without notice. Apparently this happen when inventory has no enough space.
For instance, I have sealed stomach with water and other thinks in inventory, then I take combat boots from the ground, and go to house, but then I see sealed stomach with water is on the ground. There was no message like “you have no enough space”, and I even have no notice in log, like “your water (sealed stomach) dropped down”.
Item on the ground can be noticed if area is clear, but if it is dark or there are other things on the ground - you can easily lost some item.

Have you seen something like that? Do we have a github issue?

My version is:
Build number : #10606
Build version: 0.E-1404-g1268e85


Might explain some of the random disapearences of items and equipment I’ve been having. Thought I was just being dumb and accidentally left it somewhere somehow

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Yep, I’ve noticed this, too.

  • Shane
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Can someone reproduce this? There’s no movement yet.

i’ve started to notice this happening to me, but only in-so-far as i’ve had a full inventory and i’ve attempted to reload my magazines, i have a 50 round magazine in my inventory, and over 50 bullets, my character reloads the magazine, and then decides that their inventory is still too full so they yeet it to the ground (usually as i’m in the middle of a firefight and really needing that extra ammo)

so, say in OP’s original examples, you have an empty waterskin and you have a full inventory, you fill your waterskin from the barrel of water in your car by ‘reloading’ the waterskin, which makes it too heavy for your current inventory and it drops to the ground.

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I had it happen in a recent live-stream. My character unloaded the battery from a radio on the ground and the game auto-dropped my Rivtech Battle-rifle in that space (I assume to make room for the battery i just unloaded). There was no messaging or notice that it was occurring. I gained a battery and unknowingly left the rifle laying on the ground (i was zoomed out pretty far and there was a lot of clutter in the hallway). I didn’t notice until the following live-stream when i could not find the rifle in my stash (and i went back and watched the prior video footage to track down where it went).

PS- found the footage. the menu moves fast but i stop moving in the corridor, unload a battery from the radio, reload it into my flashlight and move on (with the rifle now on the ground). You can see the unload/reload info in the log on the right with no mention of the rifle being dropped.


so thats two counts that it seems to be related to unloading or reloading items when your inventory is full. right?

Edit: happened again, not full inventory, but was right after i reloaded a magazine.