How to get late-game?

Hello friends! I have mastered the ability to not die straight out of the evac shelter but I still find myself unable to get past 4-5 days of being alive. Normal stupidity is most common cause and there is no fix for that or so my momma always told me.

Anyway, after you get a small little house in the woods near a source of water up and running what is a good way to keep on surviving? My aim is to hit the year mark of being alive for one of my Toons.

On an unrelated note because I can’t help but derail myself but I enjoy listening to the song “Spooky Scary Skeletons” while I play.

Im going to give you the best advice EVER

Your welcome in advance, no one told me.

Get fleet footed and quick, Congratulations you broke cataclysm, You can now out run and out attack anything besides the quickest of creatures

Pair this with unarmed skill and you have yourself a casual easy game fit for the common xbox fan-boy

Quick and Fleet is nice, but there is an alternative to running away. Two layers of “armor” (at least reinforced leather + plastic on the torso and reinforced leather + cloth on your limbs, plus the best helmet and glasses you can find) makes you extremely resistant to damage. Avoid getting surrounded, but otherwise feel free to wade into fights with Z, including Tough and Soldiers. If you can find a School, use it to grind your combat skills, but short of “dungeon” areas, you should be fine to go around the map taking what you want, sleeping - more or less - where you want. Make disinfectant a priority and keep on the lookout for kevlar to make yourself even more resilient.

In a more general sense: Shopping carts are very useful while you’re getting skilled up for building a powered vehicle. Eat healthy. Consume lots of caffeine and stay beside a powered computer console to read through the nights. Get funnels and large containers for collecting acid rain so you can make your own batteries.

Above all: never just go out “because”. Every time your character leaves (relative) safety, it should be with a purpose. Aimless roving is the main cause of my survivors ceasing to survive - when I don’t have something in mind, I have them stay in and read, or stop playing!

[quote=“Womble, post:3, topic:6479”]Quick and Fleet is nice, but there is an alternative to running away. Two layers of “armor” (at least reinforced leather + plastic on the torso and reinforced leather + cloth on your limbs, plus the best helmet and glasses you can find) makes you extremely resistant to damage. Avoid getting surrounded, but otherwise feel free to wade into fights with Z, including Tough and Soldiers. If you can find a School, use it to grind your combat skills, but short of “dungeon” areas, you should be fine to go around the map taking what you want, sleeping - more or less - where you want. Make disinfectant a priority and keep on the lookout for kevlar to make yourself even more resilient.

In a more general sense: Shopping carts are very useful while you’re getting skilled up for building a powered vehicle. Eat healthy. Consume lots of caffeine and stay beside a powered computer console to read through the nights. Get funnels and large containers for collecting acid rain so you can make your own batteries.

Above all: never just go out “because”. Every time your character leaves (relative) safety, it should be with a purpose. Aimless roving is the main cause of my survivors ceasing to survive - when I don’t have something in mind, I have them stay in and read, or stop playing![/quote]

Armor has gotten a very heavy nerf recently (50%), so this may no longer be a great option. Id say go with high stats. STR especially 13-14 isnt crazy. This will make you hit harder and have more hitpoints, so surviving is generally easier. From there, take 12 points of bad traits, heavy sleeper, trigger happy and poor hearing are all very good, if you are playing with no npcs, truth teller and ugly are basically free. Glass jaw will very seldom kill you and lactose intolerant and wool allergy are also pretty good. Many of the good traits are very good, but Night vision is the only one I say is a must.
1 point in dodge is a smart way to go, this will also up your survivability alot. Tailor is a good starting prof, you can craft a backpack and trenchcoat in the starting shelter with the curtains then leather helm/gauntlets as soon as you kill some Zs and get some leather to cut up. Try and keep your torso enc. at 1 or below, torso enc hits you hard in to hit and dodge. Craft either a nailboard or crowbar (always carry a crowbar) as a weapon and head into town.
Static spawn is much easier than dynamic for learning on, once you clear an area of Zs, it will stay clear. Areas with just houses have less Zs than around shops, so find a residential area and clear out a few blocks, looting as you go. Dont fight flat footed, fight by kiting Zs onto things that will slow them down, benches, bushes, fences, etc. A 1 tile wide window and an ok weapon and you can fight off piles of Zs. Early on you will get hit and get an infection, always seems to happen, you want in order of preference: disinfectant (instant, small heal), first aid kit (takes a while, big heal, you want to be somewhere safe to use it) or a heatsource and knife or soldering iron (instant, small damage, lots of pain, may fail so you may have to do it 3 or 4 times, leaving you with piles of pain). If you go the cauterize with heat route (and you will probably have to) be inside in an area you have already cleared, if you dont have painkillers then I recommend having a skill book to read while the pain goes down, wandering about with 40 pain trying to fight is a good way to die.

Look at your encumbrance levels, learn how to manage your weight and your volume, and learn when to stop looting. And run when you’re in no shape to fight.

Vigilance is the best tool, its very easy to die because you are not paying attention or do not see something, i have been mauled by bears when traveling the map that I just did not know where their. Take your time and do not do anything foolish or in haste. If you are looking for guides check out by bow hunter guide or one of the many guides in the this forum.

I’ve tried it post-nerf, and it still works.

[quote=“Reofecthegreat, post:1, topic:6479”]Hello friends! I have mastered the ability to not die straight out of the evac shelter but I still find myself unable to get past 4-5 days of being alive. Normal stupidity is most common cause and there is no fix for that or so my momma always told me.

Anyway, after you get a small little house in the woods near a source of water up and running what is a good way to keep on surviving? My aim is to hit the year mark of being alive for one of my Toons.

On an unrelated note because I can’t help but derail myself but I enjoy listening to the song “Spooky Scary Skeletons” while I play.[/quote]

What usually kills you?

Thank you all for the sound advice. I would say the thing that kills me most is mobiles I was quite ready for yet. I seem to get sick a LOT. I swear I can’t even walk outside without catching a cold or my bites getting infected.

wear gas mask or filter mask with safety glasses and hat you can eat vitamines and take flu shoots too but my favorite is gas mask for protection from bites use some armor but try stay under 5 enc on any part alslo bottle of disinfectant (bites) and bandage (bleeding) is good to have allways when you are outside

My tips (I have survived for a couple seasons, 30 days for me, at a time before):

  1. First and foremost, weapon choice is important. Make a makeshift crowbar before you leave. Get a real one ASAP. Combat knives, nail bats, etc. are better.
  2. Guns. Guns are good. Take all the 9mm and decimal caliber ammo you find. Many people would prefer AK-47 ammo, but I can never remember the caliber and assault rifles are pretty rare anyway. However, by all means take assault rifle ammo if you have an assault rifle. Shotguns are the best; if you find piles and piles of shotgun ammo and you’re on Static mode, feel free to clear a town with it.
  3. Housing is a highly important factor. Check this spoiler’d chart for my ratings.

Top Pick: LMOE shelter. 'Nuff said. They’re rare, however. I also always think it feels “cheaty” if you decide to live here, because they are entirely impenetrable and have a free water supply.
2nd Pick: Most 3-Tile Buildings, Office Tower. This means megastore, mansion, FEMA camp, or hospital. You need to clear out a lot of zombies, but it’s a defensive fortress with too much space. However, I find life gets dull if you dwell here too long.
3rd Pick: Public Works/Evac Shelter/Fire Station. Public Works come with a tool-filled room and a destroyed truck that can be smashed for scrap; evac shelters have lots of wood inside and come with a free basement, along with being easy to fortify. Fire Stations come with a garage, a bathroom, and have metal doors. These are where the game stays fun after a while.
4th Pick: School. These are perhaps better than mansions or megastores, but they are filled with the darkest blight to destroy the world: zombie children.
Not Rated: Last-ditch shelters like parks and car-blocked bridges are, well, last-ditch. Town houses, stores, and cabins are just typical but are roughly a little worse than #3. Sleeping in cars is dangerous but it can be done.

4. Don’t take Illiterate. Never take illiterate.
5. Load up on the good bad traits. I always take Forgetful, as I don’t play with skill rust. Ugly and Truth-Teller should always be taken unless you’re trying to play a specific person or something. Trigger-happy is a good or bad pick depending on your taste in firearms. Bad-Tempered isn’t very crippling at all. If you’re not a fan of drugs, Addictive Personality is a good pick. Clumsy isn’t too bad, and Strong Scent does almost nothing wrong to you.
6. Distinguish between good good traits and bad good traits. Quick, Tough, Packmule, and Strong Back are good good traits. Pretty, Stylish, Skilled Liar, and other such traits are bad good traits. Only pick the good ones.
7. Stats can very wildly; have at least one good skill in Strength, Dexterity, or Intelligence. ALWAYS, and I mean ALWAYS, have 10 or 11 perception, which lets you spot landmines, which brings me to my next point…
8. Don’t play with explosives under most conditions. If you broke a computer you need to get into somewhere, C4 and pipe bombs are fine for blowing the wall out. Never use explosive ammunition in close quarters. Stay away from minefields at all times. I drove over one today in my Paul McCartneymobile, blowing out the front half of the car and forcing me to take only the most necessary of things.
9. Don’t be the hero. Never be the-- oh wait you probably already know that one.
10. There are no strip clubs in Cataclysm, but don’t pretend you’re in one. Stay clothed at all times, preferably with protective gear like kevlar.

[quote=“Tawarochir, post:11, topic:6479”][spoiler]My tips (I have survived for a couple seasons, 30 days for me, at a time before):

  1. First and foremost, weapon choice is important. Make a makeshift crowbar before you leave. Get a real one ASAP. Combat knives, nail bats, etc. are better.
  2. Guns. Guns are good. Take all the 9mm and decimal caliber ammo you find. Many people would prefer AK-47 ammo, but I can never remember the caliber and assault rifles are pretty rare anyway. However, by all means take assault rifle ammo if you have an assault rifle. Shotguns are the best; if you find piles and piles of shotgun ammo and you’re on Static mode, feel free to clear a town with it.
  3. Housing is a highly important factor. Check this spoiler’d chart for my ratings.

Top Pick: LMOE shelter. 'Nuff said. They’re rare, however. I also always think it feels “cheaty” if you decide to live here, because they are entirely impenetrable and have a free water supply.
2nd Pick: Most 3-Tile Buildings, Office Tower. This means megastore, mansion, FEMA camp, or hospital. You need to clear out a lot of zombies, but it’s a defensive fortress with too much space. However, I find life gets dull if you dwell here too long.
3rd Pick: Public Works/Evac Shelter/Fire Station. Public Works come with a tool-filled room and a destroyed truck that can be smashed for scrap; evac shelters have lots of wood inside and come with a free basement, along with being easy to fortify. Fire Stations come with a garage, a bathroom, and have metal doors. These are where the game stays fun after a while.
4th Pick: School. These are perhaps better than mansions or megastores, but they are filled with the darkest blight to destroy the world: zombie children.
Not Rated: Last-ditch shelters like parks and car-blocked bridges are, well, last-ditch. Town houses, stores, and cabins are just typical but are roughly a little worse than #3. Sleeping in cars is dangerous but it can be done.

4. Don’t take Illiterate. Never take illiterate.
5. Load up on the good bad traits. I always take Forgetful, as I don’t play with skill rust. Ugly and Truth-Teller should always be taken unless you’re trying to play a specific person or something. Trigger-happy is a good or bad pick depending on your taste in firearms. Bad-Tempered isn’t very crippling at all. If you’re not a fan of drugs, Addictive Personality is a good pick. Clumsy isn’t too bad, and Strong Scent does almost nothing wrong to you.
6. Distinguish between good good traits and bad good traits. Quick, Tough, Packmule, and Strong Back are good good traits. Pretty, Stylish, Skilled Liar, and other such traits are bad good traits. Only pick the good ones.
7. Stats can very wildly; have at least one good skill in Strength, Dexterity, or Intelligence. ALWAYS, and I mean ALWAYS, have 10 or 11 perception, which lets you spot landmines, which brings me to my next point…
8. Don’t play with explosives under most conditions. If you broke a computer you need to get into somewhere, C4 and pipe bombs are fine for blowing the wall out. Never use explosive ammunition in close quarters. Stay away from minefields at all times. I drove over one today in my Paul McCartneymobile, blowing out the front half of the car and forcing me to take only the most necessary of things.
9. Don’t be the hero. Never be the-- oh wait you probably already know that one.
10. There are no strip clubs in Cataclysm, but don’t pretend you’re in one. Stay clothed at all times, preferably with protective gear like kevlar.[/spoiler][/quote]

what about night vision? its good trait yes it can be mutated later but if someone do not want risk playing with mutagens and/or want easy night raid on town this trait is significant

Vigilance really comes in handy if your far enough in to start looting labs,some rooms have turrets that will blast you and your armor to pieces,I’ve lost several good characters due to being a little too careless around labs.

By mobiles, do you mean random zombie dogs and bears? Like anything else, luring them onto a bush or window sill before fighting them will give you a big advantage, allowing you to kill them and take much less damage.

Consider carrying around one gun for emergency situations where you think you’re going to lose a fight.

Disinfecting solution will clear an infection. So will first aid. If you have a knife and are by a fire, you should be able to activate it to cauterize the wound, eliminating the infection.

Carry around vitamins. Eat at least one a day. Also eat one when you do something that’s bad for you (walking in the rain, doing drugs, etc). It’ll help keep you from getting sick.

If you eat a healthy diet (lots of fresh fruit and vegetables) you generally don’t need vitamins to avoid getting sick. But they do help. If you’re plowing through the junk food, expect to chase it down with cough syrup.

[quote=“Arek_PL, post:12, topic:6479”][quote=“Tawarochir, post:11, topic:6479”][spoiler]My tips (I have survived for a couple seasons, 30 days for me, at a time before):

  1. First and foremost, weapon choice is important. Make a makeshift crowbar before you leave. Get a real one ASAP. Combat knives, nail bats, etc. are better.
  2. Guns. Guns are good. Take all the 9mm and decimal caliber ammo you find. Many people would prefer AK-47 ammo, but I can never remember the caliber and assault rifles are pretty rare anyway. However, by all means take assault rifle ammo if you have an assault rifle. Shotguns are the best; if you find piles and piles of shotgun ammo and you’re on Static mode, feel free to clear a town with it.
  3. Housing is a highly important factor. Check this spoiler’d chart for my ratings.

Top Pick: LMOE shelter. 'Nuff said. They’re rare, however. I also always think it feels “cheaty” if you decide to live here, because they are entirely impenetrable and have a free water supply.
2nd Pick: Most 3-Tile Buildings, Office Tower. This means megastore, mansion, FEMA camp, or hospital. You need to clear out a lot of zombies, but it’s a defensive fortress with too much space. However, I find life gets dull if you dwell here too long.
3rd Pick: Public Works/Evac Shelter/Fire Station. Public Works come with a tool-filled room and a destroyed truck that can be smashed for scrap; evac shelters have lots of wood inside and come with a free basement, along with being easy to fortify. Fire Stations come with a garage, a bathroom, and have metal doors. These are where the game stays fun after a while.
4th Pick: School. These are perhaps better than mansions or megastores, but they are filled with the darkest blight to destroy the world: zombie children.
Not Rated: Last-ditch shelters like parks and car-blocked bridges are, well, last-ditch. Town houses, stores, and cabins are just typical but are roughly a little worse than #3. Sleeping in cars is dangerous but it can be done.

4. Don’t take Illiterate. Never take illiterate.
5. Load up on the good bad traits. I always take Forgetful, as I don’t play with skill rust. Ugly and Truth-Teller should always be taken unless you’re trying to play a specific person or something. Trigger-happy is a good or bad pick depending on your taste in firearms. Bad-Tempered isn’t very crippling at all. If you’re not a fan of drugs, Addictive Personality is a good pick. Clumsy isn’t too bad, and Strong Scent does almost nothing wrong to you.
6. Distinguish between good good traits and bad good traits. Quick, Tough, Packmule, and Strong Back are good good traits. Pretty, Stylish, Skilled Liar, and other such traits are bad good traits. Only pick the good ones.
7. Stats can very wildly; have at least one good skill in Strength, Dexterity, or Intelligence. ALWAYS, and I mean ALWAYS, have 10 or 11 perception, which lets you spot landmines, which brings me to my next point…
8. Don’t play with explosives under most conditions. If you broke a computer you need to get into somewhere, C4 and pipe bombs are fine for blowing the wall out. Never use explosive ammunition in close quarters. Stay away from minefields at all times. I drove over one today in my Paul McCartneymobile, blowing out the front half of the car and forcing me to take only the most necessary of things.
9. Don’t be the hero. Never be the-- oh wait you probably already know that one.
10. There are no strip clubs in Cataclysm, but don’t pretend you’re in one. Stay clothed at all times, preferably with protective gear like kevlar.[/spoiler][/quote]

what about night vision? its good trait yes it can be mutated later but if someone do not want risk playing with mutagens and/or want easy night raid on town this trait is significant[/quote]
I used to always play with it, but after a lot of practice I have forsaken it for more useful traits. An extra square doesn’t mean much, other than a comforting bumper space, when you have a flashlight.

Night vision is good if you’re still struggling to get enough batteries, other than that it’s not worth 1pt. “Training wheel” trait.

Speaking of training wheels, if all else fails bump up the number of starting points. :slight_smile:

I play with 12 points and a 12 point max cap. (As you cannot take Frail without messing with the settings, I assume this is a product of a prior version.)

Are FEMA camps worth it? I think I’m pretty much late game…

Only for the 5.56 and 9mm that can spawn inside the command tent. The building is also a good place to search for vacutainers if you plan to build a charge rifle (which I always plan to do).