Ideas for a draconic mutation branch [WIP]

Oh just make both breath weapons possible results that might occur and find a way to ensure the character gets one or the other, but not both.

Should be easy to make one breath weapon mutation ‘upgrade’ to the other, whenever the other is rolled as a possible result to mutate towards. Much like different types of wings are exclusive.

Possibly, yeah. o.o

If you want an idea for the layout it should be like this
dragon scales rank 1
added resistant to fire,cutting and blunt based to entire body
dragon claws rank 1
no longer able to wear gloves but melee attacks are given a massive increase in damage and do piercing but a decent decrease to hit
dragon bone rank 1
bonus resistant to cutting and blunt damage plus resistance to fire with slight encumbrance penalty
dragon tail rank 2
your body morphs to a more draconic shape with a swift tail that helps balance you while fighting and running
dragonic speach rank 2
you can communicate with animals and people using the true language, animals are no longer agro to you and speach bonuses the first you talk to someone
dragon form rank 2
your body morphs further with your hands and feet becoming larger and thinker giving increased armor to all parts of your body,added resistant to fire,cutting and blunt based to entire body, and increased melee damage but no longer can you have armor on arms or legs last prethreshold mutation
greater dragon form rank 3
you have finally become a true dragon and your torso and head finally are encased in a heavy scale covering further adding resistant to fire,cutting and blunt based to entire body and you become more intune with your body increasing strength and dex by one but your speed is decreased overall by 15% but your stamina is increased by 45%
dragon fire rank 3
you gain mastery of your dragon ability to breath fire and with it an immunity to fire
dragon heart rank 3
increase health, stamina and regeneration and can only die if torso is destroyed
dragon wings rank 3
some sort of flight

or something like that plus some crap tier ones like
oddly large feet rank -1
you cant wear shoes and you have feet encombrance

This sounds like a mix of derpy ideas and interesting ones. Draconic speech seems…silly. owo

What I can’t wait for when Z-Levels to be implemented is for flight…

‘Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, It’s a mother trucking dragon!

Oh hell yes.

But again, we’d need either jsonized mutation properties or someone better at source tweaks than I am, for there to be more expansions to this.

[quote=“TheProfileth, post:24, topic:9588”]dragonic speach rank 2
you can communicate with animals and people using the true language, animals are no longer agro to you and speach bonuses the first you talk to someone[/quote]

Although I don’t disapprove of this idea, It’s quite odd. And a bitch to code if people would want this (Which is Highly unlikely but who knows? Dragons might want to talk to their meal before eating it).

Everything else is quiet an interesting idea, if I knew how to add new mutations I might help add these in. But alas, I can only add limited things and edit preexisting code…

Yeah, I’d say draconic speech is a bit…odd idea. And yes, if I trusted myself to muck about with the source code…

[quote=“Random_dragon, post:29, topic:9588”]Yeah, I’d say draconic speech is a bit…odd idea. And yes, if I trusted myself to muck about with the source code…[/quote] ambition inspires passion, keep it up bruh!
[sup][sup]And just wait until Aavak gets his hands on this ;)[/sup][/sup]

Maybe. Thing is I’d rather an idea like this be a mod instead of mainline.

Now that’s more like the Random_ i know.

Mod all the things? owo

yaknow you’re trying so hard it’s not always funny


In any case, easiest solution is to hope that more mutation properties get jsonized.

Again I was just listing things I am not beholden to keeping draconic speach into the mod especially if it could be mainlined without it

Hmm. Woul have to mainline it if any source tweaks were being included, though I was reluctant to do so. >w>

I haven’t playtested it yet, but I had to make some changes to mutations.json to get it to load properly. I just thought I’d share:
Expanded bodyparts, legs became leg_L and leg_R, arms, hands and feet got similar treatment. There was an extraneous “},” on line 552.

[glow=red,2,300]modified mutations.json[/glow]

Hmm? Ah, neat. Might have to implement them then. owo

I think that if the mutations get jsonized that there would be a LOT of mutation mods for cataclysm. And would benefit the modding community greatly. Who knows what people might make?

Giant acid spitting unicorn mutants? Yes!