I cant seem to win!

All i know is that bows require lots of training to get things right , so i wouldn’t put the bet on the guy with a bow.

And modern bows have nothing to compare with the hand crafted heavy stick and a string in the cataclysm.

Find Heavy Power Armor.

It’s when you want to punch a turret to death and only take 10 damage doing it.

[quote=“woflsipder, post:21, topic:2152”]All i know is that bows require lots of training to get things right , so i wouldn’t put the bet on the guy with a bow.

And modern bows have nothing to compare with the hand crafted heavy stick and a string in the cataclysm.[/quote]

Bow’s really are not hard to get right. Have you used one? Almost any boy scout can. It takes about 30 minutes to learn how to shoot. We are not talking about lobbing arrows hundreds of feet here. I am terrible at bows, but from one end of a room in my house to another, I can consistently hit someone in the head without any trouble what so ever.

[quote=“youtoo, post:8, topic:2152”]everyone is like you. Check out my .6 starter guide.

You can make the game easier for yourself by going to options and giving your self 24 starter points instead of 6.[/quote]

Eh… Don’t do this while your learning. It just slows your learning down a whole heck of a lot and is really only there as a sort of create mode option.

Basically, the real way to give yourself a boost is too understand how encumbrance works, and how things like weapon speed work.

As an example, if you wield a rock and have no torso encumbrance, a melee attack will only cost you 75 movement points. Wielding a rock has a -4 to hit penalty, but this isn’t such a deal if you have okay dexterity (10 or more in my opinion).

With this in mind, try to find a trenchcoat that fits (it will have 0 encumbrance instead of 1) , and be careful not to have more than 1 torso encumbrance at first. At least, not until you get ranged weapon of some sort that is reasonably powerful. Also, if you can find some under armour or a tank top that fits, this will help too.

Also, probe the outsides of towns, where the residences are rather than the other areas of town, unless you see a gun store by itself. If you see any other color than bright green, magenta, or purple on the zombies, consider turning back. A dark blue zombie could be a zombified police officer, or an zombified athlete. Dogs are a pain as well but you should be able to take them on one on one. Don’t run from them unless you absolutely must. You don’t want to fight an athlete, they’ll stick you in a trash barrel and kick you down hill. Lure zombies around bushes and try to get the zombies to walk into them as well if you can, because that will slow them down and give you the opportunity to get free attacks while they climb over the obstacle. Broken down cars make good obstacles as well. And basically wait for zombies to step next to you before you attack them.

Edit in red.

Zombie hulks are bright red now. The dark blues are harmless zombie cops. Makes hulks easy to spot. Just come back 10 or so unarmed, melee and dodge levels later. By that point the mostly harmless hulks should be a non-issue.

I wholeheartedly support low encumbrance. Torso encumbrance in particular should be kept at most 1 till you have some decent dodge skill. Wolves, zombies and cougars all make good sparring partners for the unskilled.

In my experience, most characters, who do not get absurdly unlucky, die when they run into something fast and strong without their weapon. Perhaps when hauling steel frames or something. Investing heavily into unarmed skill will give you a fighting chance. Just drop whatever it is you are hauling and pick it back up once the dust settles. If you skip training melee skills, you are just asking to be owned by the first graboid that pops up.

My usual first steps: get an empty bottle -> find a gas station -> find a car -> find more suitable fuel containers -> find a semi -> refuel -> find a military outpost/gunshop -> get military id cards/weapons -> raid bunkers -> get explosives -> raid more bunkers -> start actually playing.