How to practice driving?

Why is driving skill so difficult to get up? Every character of mine never gets more than a few % even after driving about for years. The only way to get to 4 where you no longer fumble is to read an extremely rare book (only ever saw it once), or to start with it.

What do I do?

The books shouldnt be too hard to find, there are at least 3 by memory. Beyond that you want high morale and ergo high focus while you are driving, so use an mp3 player, chug some booze and generally do whatever you can to keep yourself happy.
That said, generally I dont find it that hard to raise, a few % after some ingame years seems a bit odd if you are driving about alot.

There is only one book that can bring your skill to 4. And it’s very rare.

Do you have skill rust on? It’s possible you aren’t learning fast enough to beat skill rust if it’s enabled.

[quote=“Murphy, post:1, topic:7177”]Why is driving skill so difficult to get up? Every character of mine never gets more than a few % even after driving about for years. The only way to get to 4 where you no longer fumble is to read an extremely rare book (only ever saw it once), or to start with it.

What do I do?[/quote]

Driving only raises when turning (pressing directional keys) - driving straight doesn’t increase it.

Yep, go in circles at 16 kmh and you’ll be fine. That aside, learning driving even this way is ridiculously slow, so my advice is to befriend an NPC and make him teach you to drive.