Hiding the explored area

yes, I was using debugs and cheating. playing around with monster infighting and teleportation. I usually spawn a couple monsters and then teleport away or teleport into them or use the world editor to build obstacles and see how they react. I found out in this way that tank bots can shoot through reinforced glass walls, just the MG though, cant seem to get them to use the flamethrower or the cannon through the window. Unfortunately I have a nasty habit of accidentally tapping the 4 key instead and revealing the whole map, which irritates the living hell out of me. Even in test worlds I dont like having the whole thing revealed. Is there a way to hide the map once its been revealed?

Also noticed that debug teleportation seems to work slightly differently than normal game teleportation. What I mean to say is, is telefragging monsters a thing that can happen?

Unfortunately, no.


Ah, well thats good at least. telefrag is the best frag.

thanks for the answer so quick.

When I changed the teleportation, I removed the telefrag. Not intentionally, it’s just that I re-implemented it for simplicity and ease of use and didn’t add telefragging.

It’s a bit tedious to un-reveal the map, but you can probably do so by editing the save.
Or you can bind the Quickload key (requires debug mode to be on to show up in the keybindings or to work, as far as I recall) and use that whenever you accidentally reveal the map.