Have the difficulty of your starting setup displayed

Kevin Grande said he’d “tack it on”.

[quote=“Kevin Granade, post:62, topic:5464”]Scoring, I’m not even sure how that would work.
I’m all for achievements as far as neutrally observing accomplishments, and I’d like to tack one on, recording how “difficult” your starting options were for personal or public bragging rights.[/quote]

So, I’m just putting this here as a reminder. Pardon if it is already elsewhere for that purpose.

I would like to ask that the difficulty is also displayed on screen while one is doing the setup. That would be especially helpful for new players, like me, that aren’t sure how much a specific setting would influence the “difficulty”.

[quote=“Stingray, post:1, topic:5548”]Kevin Grande said he’d “tack it on”.

[quote=“Kevin Granade, post:62, topic:5464”]Scoring, I’m not even sure how that would work.
I’m all for achievements as far as neutrally observing accomplishments, and I’d like to tack one on, recording how “difficult” your starting options were for personal or public bragging rights.[/quote]

So, I’m just putting this here as a reminder. Pardon if it is already elsewhere for that purpose.

I would like to ask that the difficulty is also displayed on screen while one is doing the setup. That would be especially helpful for new players, like me, that aren’t sure how much a specific setting would influence the “difficulty”.[/quote]Er, I believe what Kevin was referring to was the actual difficulty settings that the character was played under. That is, the world settings. Number of zombies, number of items, classic/original mode, which mods are used, season length, etc. It’s not a single number.

If that is the case, then this is a request to have a single number.

Generally in this case we would probably be referring to your starting skills/traits/profession combination, possibly factoring in an overall difficulty level once one is added.

A single number in a case of multiple factors like we have here is a really broad thing, very hard to even estimate accurately.

I suppose we could accept a given parameter set as “default”, setting it as 100% difficulty, and then assign modification values to the various difficulty settings. Working out exactly how much a given setting impacts difficulty isn’t going to be very reliably accurate though, so you’d get a very nebulously correct number in the output. Still… better than nothing, I guess?

[quote=“Sean Mirrsen, post:5, topic:5548”]A single number in a case of multiple factors like we have here is a really broad thing, very hard to even estimate accurately.

I suppose we could accept a given parameter set as “default”, setting it as 100% difficulty, and then assign modification values to the various difficulty settings. Working out exactly how much a given setting impacts difficulty isn’t going to be very reliably accurate though, so you’d get a very nebulously correct number in the output. Still… better than nothing, I guess?[/quote]

We(well, experienced players) can maybe rate every setting from the default. Then those averaged ratings from the participants gets added to the 100%. The ratings are negative if it makes the game easier and positive if more difficult.

This is if the devs don’t know where to rate a specific setting, which maybe is not the case?

In time we might get it somewhat accurate. :slight_smile:

The way I could see this working is have one number for player settings (stats, skills, profession, etc) that says how good your character is at surviving, then a 2nd number that factors in spawn rates, monster difficulty, item spawn rates, and other settings to evaluate how “tough” the world is, then the difference between the two would roughly be the overall difficulty.

That’s a good solution.

Using such a number in any way would probably do more harm than good, because it’s more likely to be off than even the estimate of the most inexperienced player.

While not ideally what people are looking for. I’m working on updating the memorial files so that it shows the current options of the world you are playing on. https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA/pull/6327

The problem with this is that you can change the options while playing. So it is not an 100% accurate display of how the world was set up. (The starting stats and traits are the ones set at the start though. Still need to add the starting skills).

Huh? This is exactly what we do by assigning points to various character traits at character creation, this system is already in place, except you have to adjust the options to get anything other than a “6 point” character.