Guide to adding new content to CDDA for first time modders

blueprint_requires are checked per tile/expansion, and I don’t think you can use a provides from the main camp or an expansion to satisfy a requires from a different expansion.

Advanced buildings would be welcome in the main game. Specifically, modern smokeless powder should be craftable via a recipe with a roughly 2 week crafting time that would be best done via NPC crafting in a specialty gunpowder mill expansion.

But a logging facility, recycler, or other advanced facility would be fine.

I suppose each of those buildings could include it’s own little solar array and transformer/capacitors. I could take a crack at smokeless powder but I’ll need to do research, the most modern gunpowder production method I know of involves cat urine o.O

Short term, I’d like to start with a fishing dock: It’s simple, a solid food source, and would be a first river type expansion.

Hey so i apologize for reviving this topic however i’ve been searching for hours upon hours and i cant seem to figure out how to do what i want.

I want to rebalance the stats through kills mod thats integrated into the base game, i cant seem to find the files for it in the data or other game folders. And i don’t really know how to make a mod like that manually.

Help would be greatly appreciated.

As far as I can tell, StK is an integrated “mod”, as in it works not on json but on code level instead. You’d need to dig game’s C++ code to understand how it works.

No need to apologize - I’m willing to try to answer your development related questions.

Stats through Kills’ data files are in data/mods/stats_through_kills. Unfortunately, it’s implemented in the C++ code, so that doesn’t get you very far. It does show there is an option STATS_THROUGH_KILLS.

grep'ing through the code for STATS_THROUGH_KILLS gets some hits, and following those leads me to through line 1448, which looks to be the main code. It looks like you can change the XP thresholds in the std::array on line 1449.

If you’re feeling really ambitious, you could also convert that static array to a JSON defined array read by an instance of generic_factory, but I’m not sure how comfortable you are with C++. Changing some values and recompiling is relatively straightforward, though. Good luck, and please ask if you need more help!

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