Give more clothes options, like the way you can loosen a scarf

Like, for a trenchcoat or duster, you could have the option to button it or leave it open. Buttoning it would increase coverage and warmth. For hoods, give the ability to push them back. It would, of course, lower warmth, and the coverage would drop to near-nothing, but it’d give a way to cool off without having to remove the hood entirely (adding to the volume of one’s inventory).

You could fold existing hoods into this system too. Use a raincoat, be presented with the option to raise the hood or lower it (or button the coat!).

Hood system is better than scarf one, because it happens automatically. You don’t need to manually activate it every time you get too warm/cold.

Why not automate all of it. It would make sense that someone would unbutton their jacket by reflex if they started getting kind of hot.

That would work too – I guess it’s kind of personal preference. I like to be in control of everything my character does. I wouldn’t object to a “put hands in pockets” key. Haha.