Hey, my game just crashed after trying to look at a particular tile in the advanced inventory management. I tried to see if it was a particular tile or item that caused the crash but it seemed to happen with different tiles and items. The stack trace says something about character traits so I tried creating a character with the same traits but could not recreate the crash. I then loaded the faulty character again and tried dropping all my items and walking far away to some random item and got the game to crash again. It only happens with advanced inventory management and doesn’t require me to have any particular item and it doesn’t require me to look at any particular item, however, it doesn’t happen when I look at empty tiles.
Here is a screenshot of my character:
Here is the log:
The program has crashed.
See the log file for a stack trace.
VERSION: 0.E-9024-g785f240-dirty
TYPE: Signal
MESSAGE: SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault
0 cataclysm-tiles 0x000000010bb0722a _Z21debug_write_backtraceRNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEEE + 57
1 cataclysm-tiles 0x000000010bae1ef8 _Z9log_crashPKcS0_ + 704
2 cataclysm-tiles 0x000000010bae1b48 _Z14signal_handleri + 66
3 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00007fff6647642d _sigtramp + 29
4 ??? 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 0x0 + 12297829382473034410
5 cataclysm-tiles 0x000000010b859d81 _ZN23advanced_inventory_paneaSEOS_ + 243
6 cataclysm-tiles 0x000000010b84951d _ZN18advanced_inventory10swap_panesEv + 319
7 cataclysm-tiles 0x000000010b83c4a0 _ZN18advanced_inventory7displayEv + 678
8 cataclysm-tiles 0x000000010b83c1c3 _Z19create_advanced_invv + 35
9 cataclysm-tiles 0x000000010bd2a100 _ZN4game13handle_actionEv + 41298
10 cataclysm-tiles 0x000000010bc632a1 _ZN4game7do_turnEv + 1849
11 cataclysm-tiles 0x000000010c0529eb main + 4865
12 cataclysm-tiles 0x000000010b79e1e4 start + 52
13 ??? 0x0000000000000001 0x0 + 1
Attempting to repeat stack trace using debug symbols…
backtrace: Could not extract binary name from line
backtrace: Could not extract binary name from line
backtrace: Could not extract binary name from line
backtrace: Could not extract binary name from line
backtrace: Could not extract binary name from line
backtrace: Could not extract binary name from line
backtrace: Could not extract binary name from line
backtrace: Could not extract binary name from line
backtrace: Could not extract binary name from line
backtrace: Could not extract binary name from line
backtrace: Could not extract binary name from line
backtrace: Could not extract binary name from line
backtrace: Could not extract binary name from line
backtrace: Could not extract binary name from line