Food You Usually Eat (RP perspective Vs Meta Perspective)

Meta : usually i’ll just stick to cooked meat and cooked wild herbs , maybe even a meat/veggie sandwich if i’m feeling great

RP : when i’m feeling a little of that RP in my bones or if i just did something grand like clear out an outpost or lab , i’ll make myself a feast , deluxe scrambled eggs here , sandwiches there , and even some pizzas if i’m feeling really good

i mostly reserve non-perishables for emergencies , and only eat them if i absolutly have to (broken arm and cant go scavenge) , its easy to get food , really , just kill a moose/dog/whatever and cook the meat , or just hit up the forest bushes and cook the wild herbs

out of topic here , but i heard that uncooked wild herbs and meat can give you parasites or someshit , is that true ?

Woods Soup is a favorite both for Meta and RP reasons, it’s easy to make once you get rolling and consists of good eats that are good for you. My current survivor has rediscovered the potential to make delicious glazed tenderloins and been gorging herself on them recently, but that won’t last to much longer.

Once you’ve got a mobile base it’s easy to regularly cook up stuff like pizza, burgers, sandwiches, scrambled eggs, or lasagna. I usually try to cook recipes that use perishables close to spoiling as well. Though I mutate alot, love Metabolic Interchange, and used to play mainly Gourmand/Optimist survivors so actually cooking up real quality foodstuffs is an ingrained behaviour at this point.

Necco wafers, toastem’s, and cooked meat.

Later on its a lot of meat jerky and aspic, when I get the bones to.

Big fan of necco wafers irl. And I do a lot of carbs irl. I dont mind fruits, but theyre hard to get ingame. Grapefruit and lemons irl, and I force my character to eat lemons they find.

Meta perspective, sometimes I’ll just do a few days in a row of eating junk food to clean up the size of the food stockpile inventory screen. Otherwise, I usually run it RP (I play cata far more for the roleplay). I don’t spend much time trying to figure out ‘optimal’ use of ingredients and the like. Tried that once with a character, just wasn’t as fun.

Roleplay wise, I’ll try to make foods based around the time of day, and then things my character hasn’t made in a while, and what they’re doing. If I’ve got a day of looting ahead of me, I’ll make some sandwiches, eat a few till I’m full, then drop the rest in my vehicles reading chair. Whenever I come back with loot throughout the day, I’ll grab a couple more and eat them while dropping loot off into its proper boxes. If I’m travelling, or reading, or crafting fer a day, I’ll take breaks to make appropriate meals.

Morning favorites include coffee, scrambled eggs, straight cooked meat (Gotta love a breakfast steak), deluxe sandwiches made with bacon, or toast-ems. Depending on stocks, I sometimes hydrate some powdered milk and drink that.

Lunch is usually just whatever the first thing that sounds good to catch my eye is. Lots of canned foods, mostly. Fruit as well, if its the season, or sometimes I’ll just hydrate some flaked fruit.

Dinner tends to be pasta dishes if I’ve got the stuff. Hamburger helper is fairly common just because it doesn’t need cheese. And in the early days, burrito’s and TV dinners are favorites. Sandwiches show up here too if I’ve found/made some breads that day. Really there’s not a single meal where sandwiches don’t show up frequently.

When I’m not metagaming it, Candy is a treat my survivor has after rough fights, or munches on while looting and exploring. Doesn’t matter if those supplies don’t make it back to the van, since its not really valuable foodstuffs. My current character is a big coffee fan, so she usually pops a few handfuls of chocolate coated coffee beans when she can.

I just roam from city to city, assaulting house fridges and vending machines for non perishables.

The less I have to cook, the better.

[quote=“Profugo Barbatus, post:4, topic:12826”]Meta perspective, sometimes I’ll just do a few days in a row of eating junk food to clean up the size of the food stockpile inventory screen. Otherwise, I usually run it RP (I play cata far more for the roleplay). I don’t spend much time trying to figure out ‘optimal’ use of ingredients and the like. Tried that once with a character, just wasn’t as fun.

Roleplay wise, I’ll try to make foods based around the time of day, and then things my character hasn’t made in a while, and what they’re doing. If I’ve got a day of looting ahead of me, I’ll make some sandwiches, eat a few till I’m full, then drop the rest in my vehicles reading chair. Whenever I come back with loot throughout the day, I’ll grab a couple more and eat them while dropping loot off into its proper boxes. If I’m travelling, or reading, or crafting fer a day, I’ll take breaks to make appropriate meals.

Morning favorites include coffee, scrambled eggs, straight cooked meat (Gotta love a breakfast steak), deluxe sandwiches made with bacon, or toast-ems. Depending on stocks, I sometimes hydrate some powdered milk and drink that.

Lunch is usually just whatever the first thing that sounds good to catch my eye is. Lots of canned foods, mostly. Fruit as well, if its the season, or sometimes I’ll just hydrate some flaked fruit.

Dinner tends to be pasta dishes if I’ve got the stuff. Hamburger helper is fairly common just because it doesn’t need cheese. And in the early days, burrito’s and TV dinners are favorites. Sandwiches show up here too if I’ve found/made some breads that day. Really there’s not a single meal where sandwiches don’t show up frequently.

When I’m not metagaming it, Candy is a treat my survivor has after rough fights, or munches on while looting and exploring. Doesn’t matter if those supplies don’t make it back to the van, since its not really valuable foodstuffs. My current character is a big coffee fan, so she usually pops a few handfuls of chocolate coated coffee beans when she can.[/quote]
exactly this
but then again my characters always have lactose intolarant , so sad

Smoked meat and protein drink.

On the 15th day of every season, however, my @ stays in his base, and does not work, hunt, or fight. He cooks something in the morning and then eats and drinks, while listening to stereo. This summer, the food was spaghetti alla rana - spaghetti with wild herbs and giant frog leg from New England swamp, and the drink was dandelion tea. The mid-season feaste can also be moose cracklin and bass soup, boiled crow egg and cooked rhubarb, or lytefisk and kompot. They are not made from the best material, but that’s as good as a survivor can manage. When the sun is setting, my @ dances like a dwarf via a macro, and then drinks whiskey or vodka and goes to sleep on his seat, snuggling in his ||pneumatic assault rifle.

My survivor tends to live on a mix of cooked wild vegetables, scrambled eggs, meat pies (when he has fresh meat), and a lot of fresh produce from his garden - there was a period he was eating 4-8 baked potatoes a day. He supplements all that with cookies, popcorn, and potato chips when he’s out raiding because he can keep non-perishables in the car without having to worry about it. Sometimes he’ll make chocolate pancakes to celebrate something, like Gnorse does.

For a while, I had a survivor that was pretty consistent about eating toast-ems every morning but they’re not very filling and they make you thirsty so I haven’t picked that habit up again.

Friendly NPCs subsist off a diet of granola, deluxe coffee oatmeal, and whatever fish products I’ve scavenged up recently. I don’t like seafood in real life, so my @ doesn’t like them either.

I recently started a new game with 0.5 item drops, as opposed to my usual default 1.0. That shift seriously made me less picky about what I eat. Junk food is delicious, is my new opinion. Started at winter too, so no foraging. With Fast Metabolism. I wonder how low an item drop rate could one go before food availability becomes a serious problem? Let me know if you have experience about that.

With 1.0, getting flour is my usual desire. That enables the meat, veggie, and fruit pies. Also the sandwiches. Flour is a gateway ingredient.
Raiding an ant hill is another frequent goal. Just for the (powdered) eggs and deluxe scrambled eggs.
On the rare occasion I can get the cheese, I try to save it for deluxe sandwiches.
Protein shakes are precious. I don’t so much consume them but collect them. Can’t explain that.
Sometimes I come upon these immense platoons of strawberry or blueberry bushes in the plains. Then I eat berries all season. And probably the next season too.

My character isn’t picky about what he eats, much like how I am in real life. If it’s food and it’s filling, it’s good.
But I usually turn my meat into meat jerky. I spent about a week turning meat into jerky, making salt, and foraging cattails for flour in a nearby swamp early game. It allowed me to stay inside all day to read books.

how does one make meat jerky ? do you need a dehydrator or something ?

Salt, meat, and a fire. Plus the right stats obviously

You can find pools of salt water in swamps.

Or a charcoal smoking rack, which you can make in the construction menu.

Currently playing with one of my first long term survivors, so this is just based on one or two characters who have survived past spring. (I’m bad, don’t judge me.) I have been turning every bit of my perishable food into things like aspic, pemmican, and hardtack. So on the meta perspective side of things, that’s how I survive now that it’s getting closer to winter and I’ve noticed not so many animals in my area (I’m scared to try and hunt in the swamps, I had one bad experience with a dermatick and swore never to go back there except for short excursions.). On an RP perspective, when I find fresh veggies or farm them up I do usually make a few pies or something akin to that but I would think that my survivor would realize that food going bad is a waste. I don’t go into near as much detail as §k:

Or a charcoal smoking rack, which you can make in the construction menu.

Currently playing with one of my first long term survivors, so this is just based on one or two characters who have survived past spring. (I’m bad, don’t judge me.) I have been turning every bit of my perishable food into things like aspic, pemmican, and hardtack. So on the meta perspective side of things, that’s how I survive now that it’s getting closer to winter and I’ve noticed not so many animals in my area (I’m scared to try and hunt in the swamps, I had one bad experience with a dermatick and swore never to go back there except for short excursions.). On an RP perspective, when I find fresh veggies or farm them up I do usually make a few pies or something akin to that but I would think that my survivor would realize that food going bad is a waste. I don’t go into near as much detail as §k:

never hunt in swamps , if you dont have a long rope you’re fucked if you fall in a hole , and those are plenty in swamps
now that i think about it , i have a swamp right next to me , that’s where i’ve been curing my moose pelts , but it says they also need tanning , the fuck is that ?

After curing it, you still need to tan them. Tanning can take 2 days, then you’ll need to activate the tanning hide/pelt to finish the job. Basically you’re just hoarding dried moose skin/fur in your house until you turn it into proper leather/fur. I’ve found it to be very useful now that I’ve made it to winter for the first time, do I’ve had to familiarize myself with the tanning process… Damn near got frostbite on the first few days but now I’m rocking a nice fur coat, scarf, fuzzy and arm warmers, and a fur hat.

I live entirely on mycus fruits, but my occasional NPC companions live on sausages and water.

Yea… I’m not going anywhere near fungal areas without lots of fire. And even then that doesn’t always work, I have a few map tiles of forever burning mycus because of a giant fungal flower constantly spreading mycus and refusing to let itself be burned. Can’t get close enough to throw 'nades on it because of the firestorm either.

I wish the other fungus sites were like the fungal blossom. They basically have a good-sized area marked Fungus Only, where the other sites require some manual terraforming to make them secure.

That said, Mycus isn’t for everyone. It’s good for three things: being fireproof, the ability to fortify an area using fungus, and infinite food, though that is a bit bugged right now since mycus fruits aren’t nutritious enough.

[quote=“TheFlame52, post:18, topic:12826”]I wish the other fungus sites were like the fungal blossom. They basically have a good-sized area marked Fungus Only, where the other sites require some manual terraforming to make them secure.

That said, Mycus isn’t for everyone. It’s good for three things: being fireproof, the ability to fortify an area using fungus, and infinite food, though that is a bit bugged right now since mycus fruits aren’t nutritious enough.[/quote]

It’s not as if food is hard to come by, farming supplements me perfectly fine and between foraging in bushes and hunting when I’m starting to run low I can easily get enough food to dehydrate or smoke to last me through a season or two. I just don’t like fungus because I don’t like to run the risk of a lethal infection. Do I have anti-fungal meds? Yes. But I still don’t want to run the risk. Call me a pansy if you want, I call myself a survivor.