Floating/Air Vehicles

Blimps and airships are [size=18pt]super lame[/size].

Like, Timur the Lame?

More seriously, I want to see some of the larger helis/planes in the game, for example the Mi-26:

That way Iā€™ll have a super duper late game goal to get one and build a base inside it, rather than living out of my lame, non-flying, party bus.

Like, Timur the Lame?

More seriously, I want to see some of the larger helis/planes in the game, for example the Mi-26:

That way Iā€™ll have a super duper late game goal to get one and build a base inside it, rather than living out of my lame, non-flying, party bus.[/quote]


Also this whole thread just keeps reminding me of This

Not to crap on your guysā€™ ideas, but I donā€™t think the idea of a handcrafted metal aircraft (like a heli or a harrier jet) is reasonable, and I donā€™t think it would be reasonable to have an aircraft that had a horizontal landing, it would be way too messy (both to code and to actually perform in-game), so we should keep our ideas limited to vertical takeoffs and landings probably.
Air vehicles could be implemented into the vehicle system, but they would probably be more complicated than cars. As far as something craftable, I donā€™t see why you couldnā€™t make a plutonium-powered hovercraft from scavenged parts. Hell, thereā€™s plenty of next-gen tech in science labs to facilitate that. It would just require an insanely high mechanics skill to actually complete, but realistically, a genius survivor living in a world with hoverboard tech could probably craft something similar from a few metal platforms and like five or six fusion blaster arms or advanced plasma guns. I think the idea of an aircraft running on plutonium is something to consider, but I think the option to use gasoline should be there, just at a huge cost of fuel (it would use like 20x the amount a car would, or more) for it to be reasonable in-game, but Iā€™m sure that if these things get implemented, the devs will do so sparingly and make sure that everything is very tightly balanced. I just canā€™t see them going about something that powerful lightly enough for it to leave the majority of people unsatisfied.
In my opinion, if they do it, it will be cool no matter what.

One more thing: craftable parachutes.
If flight ever becomes an option for Cata, it should be a must.
Also, itā€™d just be cool to joyride a harrier jet or helicopter and bail somewhere, or do it by necessity at the loss of fuel or a collision with something.

Furthermore, the inclusion of flying vehicles would imply the inclusion of some sort of problem in air, to stop the survivor from ruling the entire world (at least without a fight) and discourage flight.
My suggestion, monsters that fly and are very hard to kill. Maybe even multi-tile flying monsters, because there would be plenty of space in the sky for them to move.
You could even have it so that these monsters stayed on upper z-levels only, meaning that theyā€™d only be a problem for flying survivors.

And maybe this idea would also lend some use to the leathery wings mutation, other than negating fall damage.

I know that this idea is really out there, but maybe aircraft could even have an auto-hover setting, so the survivor could stow gear and whatnot in it and keep it fueled in the air while they raided on the ground, moving between z-levels on a hoverboard stowable in the back of the heli. Not a reasonable idea at all, Iā€™m aware, but think about it.

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According to the lore airspace is dangerous which is why all the plane and heli crashes are occuring all around. Zeppelins and balloons do sound pretty tasty for a survivor hiding from zombies, but when - and if - we get z-level enemies divebombing from above then suddenly your foot powered zeppelin is just a static target for demons and giant flying bugs and whatever else crawled from nethereum.

But something like a static observational balloon for expanding map vision that you simply use to ascend/descend quickly should be both within means and within lore I believe.

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I mean your right, you explained your thinking and gave a logical argument. But damn
that was 9 years ago, all those people could be dead for all you know.