Flaming Eye caused 'Permanent' Blindness

I object. You do get a blind spot in your eye even if you just look at it for 1 second. If its size would be larger (as in; covering more of your field of view at once, not the actual size of the sun) it would make it more obvious.
Also, blindness does not automatically imply “black vision”, you can actually get temporarily blinded by a (not even very strong) flashlight (you can see the light, but nothing around it, turning you “blind” while you face its direction and - given enough strength - leave dark spots in your vision after turning away).

Warning/disclaimer for everyone: Please do not try to verify or disprove this by staring at the sun. Use the mentioned flashlight method if you really want to try, but don’t overdo it, alright?


I’d rather they permanently blinded me than gave me fungal parasites from teleglow, which seems to be almost always the case when I’m unlucky enough to be seen by one before I can get clear. If we’re trying to logically explain attacks by flaming eyes, you’ll never convince me that one is thematic.

But in the game it does.

Sight… Sigh… Not sure how well it will be perceived by the community, but I’ll add “Add <whiteout> for light weapon inflicted blindness to dissociate from other types of blindness” to my todo list…

I’m with Giggle on this one.
There’s 2 factors in determining how long a blind spot remains on your retina: intensity and (duration of) exposure.
Exposure: Looking into a normal light bulb for a short second won’t leave a blind/white spot, but look at it for a minute and it will.
Intensity: lightbulb vs. sunlight, magnesium fire or laser. All of the latter don’t need much exposure to blind you.

Now with flaming eyes, they would use intensity over duration in their blinding attack since even a short exposure gives the blind debuff. After that any character with INT>=6 will stop looking, avert their face at with eyes wide shut, possibly blinking now and then to check if vision returns. No one is gonna stand there staring into what just blinded them. (Not to mention reflexes exist)
So it really does make no sense that it stacks.

You aren’t blinded by looking at the eye, you are blinded by one of the teleglow effects. Teleglow causes small interdimensional rifts in your vicinity, and some of them appear as spots of blinding light: “Your vision is filled with bright lights…”
So it doesn’t matter if you looked away, this can happen several minutes after you’ve left the flaming eye behind, and as people have pointed out above, your eyelids won’t protect you if the light is bright enough.

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If it’s teleglow then it’s triggering entirely too quickly. Blindness effects on teleglow aren’t supposed to start triggering until you’ve had it for 4+ hours – or 2400 turns, according to some wiki information last updated last August – and even then it’s supposed to be a 1 in 10000 chance that it will trigger per turn at first, so having it trigger multiple times in a single movement action is absurd.

This blindness effect triggers almost instantly when you get in range of the eye sometimes, which is why I assumed it was the eye hitting you with it directly, and not a side effect of teleglow.

Well, theres the problem: The wiki seems outdated. 4+ hours do not equalate to 2400 turns, since 1 turn is a second. And the flaming eye inflicts teleglow for 80 minutes (= 4800 seconds/turns), according to the source code.
And the cooldown on this attack for the monster seems to be 12 turns, if I see that right.

I’ve yet to check the effects for teleglow.

It seems to have a one in 72000 minus time left on teleglow chance to cause blindness for 1 to 2 minutes if the duration of the effect left is higher than 4 hours.

I also created a test world and spawned in 9 flaming eyes and let them stare at me.
It took some time until I’ve turned blind, but after almost two minutes I was able to see and did not turn blind again, so it might not even have been the flaming eye causing the blindness.
Or it just bugged out one time.

Did you use any mods? What version did/do you play on? Could you make a backup of your world and let them stare at you again to see if you turn blind?

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