Filthy clothing without mod selected (Solved)

What the title says. Filthy clothing appears on zombies even though I unchecked the mod when creating the world. My character doesn’t have any traits related to filthy clothing either. Any ideas?

Probably has to do with issue #20265 Some world options are overwritten by defaults.

Disabling the mod doesn’t prevent clothing from being filthy, it suppresses the effects of filthiness.
Effectively the clothing is still filthy but your character doesn’t care.

[quote=“Kevin Granade, post:3, topic:13421”]Disabling the mod doesn’t prevent clothing from being filthy, it suppresses the effects of filthiness.
Effectively the clothing is still filthy but your character doesn’t care.[/quote]That makes sence. I remember it from before where it disabled the filthy clothing. Thanks for clearing that up