Feedback: Menus Messed up

So been playing experimental -2024-08-25-0056 via Catapult launcher.

Debug Menu is all messed up. Can only guess where enable achievements are (used hotkeys).

Also in large apartments, when I smash down door to go downstairs, there is empty space, not concrete floor below destroyed door. Really annoying when you want to use map editor and the selection jumps around every few ticks, just clicked on random, got some red door and smashed that, it had carpet below, so was good.

Kindly hotfix

I encountered the menu glitch earlier. I found the experimental of 5-29-1756 and it displayed the menus most correctly. You can download old experimentals on cdda’s github release page.

Bug-Hunting is more of a hobby of mine. Today I play 2024-08-26-0108 Version: 8185064 with a save I created yesterday.