Favorite mutations?

Hey y’all.

Well, since I almost always start with lab challenge, mutations are easily one of the things I go for. Thing is, I never got too far or went too deep on a post-thresh mutation, other than spider.
I’d like to know your favorite mutation path. And, if possible, some tips about mutations would be nice too. I saw some posts talking about mutation, but even then, I didn’t really get an idea on one I’d like to try other than Mycus and Bird.

I also wish dual wielding would become a thing sometime soon and extra-limb mutations would combine with that so you can wield extra weapons.

Heat vison, quick healing, beautiful line, gills, tail.

All nice touches. Im not into heavy mutation (or augmentation, ftm), but I appreciate some light, lizard-line mutations.

Alpha category, but only if you start with lousy/mediocre main stats (8). Post-thresh Alpha traits pump stats to 15 in that case. Alpha is bit complex and special case category - if you lose the post-thres traits, you lose them permanently, and even drop below your starting stats. So don’t do purifiers after you’ve gone full Alpha. Do check the wiki.

The Bird category contains the Road Runner, which is great, but for that you need the Fleet Footed trait, which is selectable at the start but exists also in the Spider category.

Not too big on mutations either, but the Road Runner and Full Night Vision always appeal to me. Some post-thres mutations grant a TON of extra hit points, but the price is kind of meh. Look up the mutations Resilient and TAAANK, which exist in several categories.

Elf-a is far and away the best, IMO. Basically, it’s just a regular guy, only better in essentially every way.

All the +3 stat boosts available (and one of the +4s, I think). Glorious is like beautiful, only on mega-steroids. Tireless means you only need to sleep every few days, so that can be awfully nice (but not if you need to sleep to heal, so keep that in mind). The night vision is really great.

The downsides are all really manageable… except the one where you just lose hp all the time (forget the name), that one’s a real pain combined with not sleeping.

Yeah, some of the other lines give you extra abilities, but they all come with trade-offs. Elf-a is just you, only MORE.

That said, yeah, the whole “handling hands separately, and thus allowing for mutating into useful multiple limbs” thing sounds like a very nice addition to the game. Hope it comes soon (and really, I hope that enables a bionic to do something similar, since I’m almost exclusively a bionics guy, not a mutations guy).

elves are pansies, and elf-a is models after the vicious, arogant, overprotective nancybottoms.

since TWW came out ive been learnifying about the tabletop; only more (ample more, in fact) evidence.

… :b

everything from their acute perception to their superhuman reflexes to their squishy bodies

TWW? What’s that?

[quote=“deoxy, post:4, topic:11990”]Elf-a is far and away the best, IMO. Basically, it’s just a regular guy, only better in essentially every way.

All the +3 stat boosts available (and one of the +4s, I think). Glorious is like beautiful, only on mega-steroids. Tireless means you only need to sleep every few days, so that can be awfully nice (but not if you need to sleep to heal, so keep that in mind). The night vision is really great.

The downsides are all really manageable… except the one where you just lose hp all the time (forget the name), that one’s a real pain combined with not sleeping.

Yeah, some of the other lines give you extra abilities, but they all come with trade-offs. Elf-a is just you, only MORE.

That said, yeah, the whole “handling hands separately, and thus allowing for mutating into useful multiple limbs” thing sounds like a very nice addition to the game. Hope it comes soon (and really, I hope that enables a bionic to do something similar, since I’m almost exclusively a bionics guy, not a mutations guy).[/quote]

I think you’re talking about Weakening. I don’t know how bad it is in the game, but weakening looks manageable, however Disintegration and Deterioration kinda scare me off from mutation paths cause they look like they can be a pain in the ass to manage.

The best mutant is a dead mutant.
Where is my flame thrower. This thread needs purging.

Weakening is nothing, it’s the other two that are problematic. Usually, if I’ve going to go mutant, I brew up HUGE batches of the stuff and HUGE batches of purifier, and I go back and forth until I have all the good stuff and nothing worse than weakening.

TWW - Total War: Warhammer, maybe?

Does anyone have any advice for dealing with the Minor Radioactivity mutation? My character has it, and it’s much, much more debilitating than I expected. A geiger counter reads me at a 85-120 rads, and I’m throwing up heavily roughly every hour, which means that my food and water consumption is probably about three or four times higher than normal, and all of my stats other than intelligence are at a constant 1-2 point malus. Given the point bonus you get from taking it, I’m not sure it’s supposed to be as debilitating as it is. I think I’d rather have Deterioration, at least with that you can mitigate it with a lot of cotton balls and first aid skill.

Oh, and by the way, I’m popping about three or four prussian blue and potassium iodide tablets a day. They don’t do a damn thing as far as I can tell.

Slime category is fun. Also a good fap material in your mind.

Playing as a full-on Slime is extremely fun considering how much chaos it brings.

So I ended up answering my own question. I assumed that an environmental geiger reading of 1 meant that the area was low on radiation. I was very wrong. As long as I keep moving and avoid contaminating any one area too long, my radiation levels remain manageable.

I also found and successfully installed a radiation scrubber bionic, so score!

my favourite mutations are night vision and its upgrades, sometimes i go for small mutagen rulette but its rare, im not much into mutations except alfa what is just next step in evolution of man

small amout of sleep is awful for me too, heavy sleeper and slepy are positive traits for me because i can sleep easily and when i do not want to sleep single sip of atomic coffee is more than i need

Genetically Unstable/Chaos + Robust genetics. :stuck_out_tongue:

Alternatively Radioactivity + Radiogenic is pretty sweet too.

yus, total war warhammer.

im a fan of total war series and i enjoy the tabletop things, even if i dont play.

Im so excited for: not arcade battles mod
and for them to release the najority of the world. … you know, once upon a time blahblah dlc …

My favorites are Road-Runner, all the immune type ones (poison immune, infection immune, etc) so I don’t have to worry about diseases, night vision and its upgraded versions (currently on high night vision), and any of the general stat boosting mutations. I’m not interested in going post-thresh for any category since I don’t want to end up all mutated and messed up, but rather try and get as many good traits as possible (or try and upgrade my existing ones) with the help of genetic instability. If I read this correctly, when you check your mutation categories, the one with the highest number is what you have the highest chance at mutating into right? If that is true, then I’m definitely going to become a medical tree, which bothers me because then I’ll be immobile as hell, voiding my precious road-runner.

Elf-a mutations, I suppose. Lately, I end up gravitating to them whether I want to or not. Aside from the weakening line and chemical imbalance, all the other mutations are pretty decent things to make life during the cataclysm easier.

[quote=“Valpo, post:7, topic:11990”]The best mutant is a dead mutant.
Where is my flame thrower. This thread needs purging.[/quote]



On the side note, I tend to get Road runner, Full Night Vision, Pretty much all medical mutations, as it’s my favorite catagory. (Regeneration, Very Quick Pain recovery, Disease resistant, etc.) Also get the stat boosting ones if possible. Other things like heat vision and stuff are a nice bonus, but things like gills or something to me feel redundant.

Basically I want my character to look as human as (Humanly) possible, yet still be a mutant that has awesome traits.

There is nothing that can help you against incendiary. This shit is so powerful it can kill anyone in a power armor let alone with CBMs and mutations and shit.

I wish you could craft incendiary grenades. The powerful of airborne fire would be a lot more accessible.

As i usually start as a 9/8/8/8 survivor, alpha is my go-to mutation line. If i survive long enough and don’t get bored until that time.
Finding eggs for egg mutagen when playing with 91-day seasons can be a problem (you need to survive to 2nd spring at the least - bc it is unlikely to be able to craft bird mutagen within your first spring) and the process is slow.
I also try to get some good NV before going alpha. HighNV does it for me.