Dissecting/butchering is a bit ridiculous

Does anyone else find it absurd that if you take a 3 second pause while dissecting a creature to shoot a zombie that shows up you then are forced to put all the organs back in, sew up all your incisions, and start all over ? Would it be possible to make so that you can just continue where you left off within a certain timeframe ?


Ya it really should be a system that starts you where you left off.

I assume it’s not the result of design, but rather an effect of a system that’s simple enough to manage.
Allowing tasks to be put on hold and resumed later means the game would have to keep track of the progress of everything in partial progress, as well as to decide when that progress should be reduced or negated.
Every corpse would have to have a butchery progress state, every tree a felling progress one, and so on. There would need to be code to deal with it as well. How far do you have to go in the butchery process before the corpse can’t revive, and to what extent does a corpse revival process undo the progress when you come back? How does decay/rot affect it?

I sure would like to be able to pause and resume, but implementing it isn’t as trivial as it might seem as you have to deal with the “pause” being for days if the character was forced to retreat and heal up, rather than a minute. Or forever, for that matter, if the character decided not to resume for whatever reason.

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So your points regarding issues with revival and with decay are very valid, especially to the core point of butchering specifically, however there are a number of systems already in place that already have, for lack of a better description, ‘in progress items’. IIrc I believe I saw in another recent post that you play 0.E2 stable (@PALU, not OP, for clarity, and apologies if that is incorrect), whereas I have these features (constructions and crafting, specifically atm) in experimental, and therefore they are plausibly among the huge number of features that have fallen in the gap between those two gamestates. That said, with certain concept, balance, and code-limitation specific examples, including some of the aforementioned, I believe a number of reworks to replicate the “Start where you left off” concept might currently be being worked on by the devs - take that with a grain of salt since I’ve neither direct connection to any of the devs, am not a dev myself , nor do I have a definitive idea of their current WIP’s or planned ideas anymore than any other random player. If, however, my assumption is correct and there are others to be added to the list of tasks that can be paused/resumed, it’s possible butchering and/or forestry (tree felling and related tasks since that was another noted example) might be among systems that receive that rework.

On a somewhat unrelated note to my discourse, I personally make an effort to only do butchering, of any kind really, once an area is relatively clear - with bodies I want to dissect/full butcher I load the corpse into my vehicle and take it home to base to help facilitate that, whereas rando zombies I tend to just quick butcher anyways so restarting is minimal time lost. I believe that that is the way the devs intended to lean the game when they reworked butchering in the first place (since before the rework it only took a small amount of time more than pulping, regardless of whether you were trying to get bionics or meat or just kill a Z permaded) and with that thought in mind a rework to the existing system that would remove the need to choose between quick butchery or full butchery for the sake of on site danger might actually go against the direction the devs want[ed] to take that aspect of the game, since at that point the only real difference aside from time cost and reward would be the need to bring a table and rope with you if you thought you would want to butcher anything, and it wasn’t intended, as far as it would seem, for it to simply be a linear difference of [more time spent = more reward] and that’s more or less it. I might be wrong about that though, and it’s probable the systems might be being reworked in ways I wouldn’t even think of, so this was just meant to be me adding my thoughts, and apologies if my tone comes across as anything else.

Well loading or dragging zombies into safer areas is an option, but the more bodies you want to work on the more quickly it becomes tedious and then becomes unfeasible as the bodies will rot/revive before you can finish. Also i like the idea of working on bodies in semi-unsafe areas, as it gives me something to do while i slowly clear out the stragglers in the area so that the next horde i run into is just a little bit easier.

I think it would be nice if the body became an in-progress item similar to how crafting items work, in addition to this it could keep the revival/rot timer it already has and then cancel your craft progress when the body revives or rots away.

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“Safer area” may well be just off the corner if dragging, or down the street if hauled into a vehicle, so time is not much of an issue there. Tedium is, of course, and if you explicitly want to do unsafe dissection to lure threats that’s also countered by safety.

If it worked like in progress items (at least in 0.E2 stable), you’d have to lift the “item” (i.e. corpse) to resume, falling to the ground due to the weight if it’s a really heavy one, and have the time spent multiplied because of all the negative factors added by this…

I dont see why you would need to lift the item. As the crafting system allows you to work on things that are on a table without holding them. Also holding a corpse in your arms to dissect it really wouldn’t be realistic and then adding realism limitations for lifting a corpse on top of that would just make it even weirder.

I’m talking about how the bugged in progress implementation works in 0.E2 stable, not how it should work. The only way to access the action command of in progress “items” (such as partially boiled water) is to lift up the item and then activate the command from the item.
Note that this happens only if you break off the processing and have to resume it: the original processing creating the in progress object places the item at the workbench and proceeds from there.

So yes, it’s weird and I have no reason to assume anything but it being a bug, but if you want to use that system you’d probably have to live with whatever limitations/bugs it has, unless you fix/change those limitations/bugs as part of your work (assuming nobody else has beaten you to fixing it).