Dermatik hallucination & pregnant Gordon

Cataclysm - Dark Days Ahead version 0.8-647-g8deb7ca memorial file

In memory of: Gordon
He was a male Hobo when the apocalypse began.
He died on Spring of year 1, day 1, at 8:41 PM.
He was killed in a mansion.

Final HP:
Head: 117/120
Torso: 0/120
L Arm: 120/120
R Arm: 115/120
L Leg: 103/120
R Leg: 120/120

Final Messages:
8:41 PM You lie down to go to sleep…
8:41 PM It’s a good time to lie down and sleep.
8:41 PM You start scratching yourself all over! x34
8:38 PM You cough noisily.
8:38 PM You start scratching yourself all over! x8
8:37 PM You could use a drink.
8:37 PM You start scratching yourself all over! x17
8:35 PM There’s bugs crawling under your skin!
8:35 PM From the south you hear a scraping noise
8:34 PM From the southeast you hear a scraping noise
8:33 PM You suddenly feel so numb…
8:31 PM You could use a drink.
8:29 PM You could use a drink.

Z - zombie x25
Z - zombie brute x1
Total kills: 26

Game History
| Year 1, Spring 1, 8:00 AM | evac shelter | Gordon began their journey into the Cataclysm.
| Year 1, Spring 1, 9:30 AM | farm | Caught a cold.
| Year 1, Spring 1, 9:42 AM | farm field | Threw up.
| Year 1, Spring 1, 1:25 PM | forest | Worn jean jacket (fits) was completely destroyed.
| Year 1, Spring 1, 1:25 PM | forest | Worn tank top was completely destroyed.
| Year 1, Spring 1, 2:03 PM | mansion | Worn tank top was completely destroyed.
| Year 1, Spring 1, 2:03 PM | mansion | Worn tank top (fits) was completely destroyed.
| Year 1, Spring 1, 3:46 PM | mansion | Worn trenchcoat (fits) was completely destroyed.
| Year 1, Spring 1, 3:46 PM | mansion | Received a deep bite wound.
| Year 1, Spring 1, 6:19 PM | mansion | Recoverd from a bite wound.
| Year 1, Spring 1, 6:19 PM | mansion | Became addicted to nicotine.
****| Year 1, Spring 1, 8:35 PM | mansion | Injected with dermatik eggs. **** !
| Year 1, Spring 1, 8:41 PM | mansion | Gordon was killed.

I’m 100% sure a dermatik hallucination laid eggs in my hobo. I’m assuming I would of fought and killed a real dermatik and recorded its death in kill history. Or at the very least had it in my screen as I died. Ill reroll this guy and try to recreate this horrible scene. So creepy.

EDIT: I had two torso bars of hitpoints left, at 20 strength. Probably moot, I’m assuming the bugs at his heart / other important hobo things.

Terrifying, like something from a David Cronenberg flick.

…Welp… Yep… …Uhmn…

The difficulty limit for a monster to be recorded in the memorial log was bumped from 15 (pink text) to 30 (red text). Dermatiks have a difficulty of 18, so they don’t show up.

The egg injection is also a special ability, and hallucinations don’t use special attacks at all.

You bumped into the real McCoy, which is part of the fun[sup]1[/sup] of the new hallucinations - now that you can hallucinate anything, you can never be sure what might be real and what might not be until you whack it.

[sup]1 Your mileage may vary[/sup]

This is what makes the new hallucination system so awesome.

Thank you for making it happen!

This is what makes the new hallucination system so awesome.

Thank you for making it happen![/quote]


Or mysterious pink tablets.

Or play a schizophrenic character. Or suffer heatstroke.

And yet I think we need more ways to get people seeing things that aren’t there. Sanity meter, anyone?

[quote=“Ian Strachan, post:8, topic:3283”]Or play a schizophrenic character. Or suffer heatstroke.

And yet I think we need more ways to get people seeing things that aren’t there. Sanity meter, anyone?[/quote]

Nah. Optional is best, Serious Medical issue is …OK, but something else to juggle, not really. Thanks anyway.

They are going to add stamina-exhaustion, if we shout to Kevin to add sanity it could be cool. it could be mixed with morale. It sHOULD be mixed with morale. But how are we sure if we do it realistically?


Like, when you have low morale for far too long, you go insane, permanently, Dwarf Fortress style. Losing is fun.

For some reason this game reminds me of DF so much. From now on I’m giving my characters dwarfy names. Maybe mod in a “dwarf fortress fan” profession too…

You charge at the jabberwock!
The jabberwock looks surprised by the ferocity of Your onslaught!
You hack at the jabberwock in the lower body with your machete!
The jabberwock bites you in the head!
It is broken!
The jabberwock latches on firmly!
The jabberwock shakes you around by the head!
You lose hold of the machete.
The head is ripped away and remains in the jabberwock’s grip!
You have been struck down.
The jabberwock spits out your head.
Urist McSurvivor has been struck down.