Something I’ve wondered about for a couple of years: is the existence of Human Corpses and the fact that dead animals and until-very-recently-survivors don’t come back as undead versions something that’s intended? Or is this something that some future patch may someday fix and until then we just look the other way and suspend disbelief, like the nonexistence of two-story buildings prior to Z-Levels and so on?
Occasionally being able to encounter and get horribly murdered by the mutated zombie version of one of your previous characters - or kill them to reclaim your surviving gear - would be really cool.
given the lore that animals slowly zombify as the world ages id say some are immune. theres also the lore that the level of blob, per bodymass, within the body affects zedding.
Something I’ve been wondering about: Is anything stopping someone from getting re-infected by the blob after taking purifier or being teleported over and over? Or is this only possible after Mycusing yourself?
i used debug to explore the world to not die horrobly not knowing what’s where, and i gott say: the lore is really intresting that i want to read about but ingame… only broblam being i spawned every building in the overworld and… still no mentsion of growing blobs, only how scientists suck at safety
Because there isn’t anything IN GAME that describes the lore. It’s in the design document. There was a recent link with the whole thing reposted in the last couple days, give it a read.